The National Carnival Commission of Trinidad and Tobago (NCC) wishes to advise the public of a change to the reported date for its upcoming media launch in which plans for the various aspects of Carnival 2018 were to be shared.

The Carnival 2018 media launch will now be held in the New Year, pending the confirmation of critical plans, and not on December 29, 2017 as previously reported. 

Commenting on the change of date, NCC Chairman, Colin Lucas, wishes to advise that the public and the media will be informed at the earliest possible date once confirmations have been made and wishes to apologise on behalf of the Board and the Commission for any inconvenience caused as a result of the change. 

Alternatively, members of the public are invited to check the Commission’s website ( and its Facebook page for more information once it becomes available. 

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  • Like Colin Lucas really starting off on the WRONG FOOT. He loss the COURT CASE and then he loss AINSWORTH MOHAMMED and now the man cannot keep a date straight. Of course, I blame DOCTOR DOLLY for all this chaos!!! But the people on this forum love that woman TOO BAD!!!

    • Claude:  You are right.  This is all Doctor Dolly's fault.  She so wants to have a great Carnival that she doesn't care about anything else!

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