CHARLESTOWN, Nevis – The Nevis Cultural Development Foundation (NCDF) will stage its first night of steelpan dubbed “Pan Elegance” March 16 at the Nevis Performing Arts Centre NEPAC). The event is the first of its kind and is tailored to engendering cultural appreciation on Nevis.
Chief Executive Office of the NCDF Jerome Rawlins explained what patrons could expect at the premier event.
“It’s a night of elegant pan music,” he said. “A number of steel pan groups on Nevis will be performing, [including] Steel on Fire, Oualie Pan Vibrations Smooth Vibes, Seniors Steel Pan, Charlestown Primary Steelpan, Nevis Cultural Development Foundation Steelpan group and the combined school groups.”
Upon arrival at the venue, patrons will receive a glass of wine or apple juice before they are treated to a night of steelpan music.
Rawlins stated that the pan event is also geared toward bridging the generational gap between the younger and older generation, where entertainment is concerned. At present, only younger people in the community are entertained with weekly events. Therefore, the NCDF is trying to create events that would appeal to all.
Patrons to the event will also be entertained by the Kassanova Band at the Courtyard in Charlestown following Pan Elegance.
Rawlins stated that Friday’s event could be the forerunner to other cultural events.