DETERMINED to walk the talk that he himself has voiced for a number of years concerning the presentation of the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival, the Chairman of the National Carnival Commission (NCC) has announced measures for sweeping changes for the national festival likely to generate much discussion over the period between now and Ash Wednesday.
But from many indications thus far there appear to be sentiments in favour of what is being attempted, even as plans need to be more fully articulated. For starters, the decision already made that there will be no North Stand appears to have been accepted, even by its most interested proponent, Pan Trinbago. When the announcement was made last month, Pan Trinbago’s newly elected president, former Tobago political figure Beverly Ramsey-Moore, protested publicly saying that this was one of the organisation’s major revenue earners for Panorama. That there has been no sustained campaign of protest or opposition suggests an acceptance of the need for changes, as announced by the NCC. The idea for the replacement North Park proposal, in what the NCC CEO Colin Lucas has proposed as a more “child friendly” environment, in which there will be a “wider variety of ways” in which patrons will enjoy themselves, calls for more elaboration.
But it signals the determination of the new Carnival administration to keep faith with the mantra of doing things differently, in the search for different outcomes from the festival.
Mighty Chalkdust - 'Just So'
It is just unbelievable the people who just want things their way without proper consultation. Maybe the next step is to have no savannah presentation for any event….Just use the road.