Posted by Pan Times on October 26, 2009 at 4:01pm in News
New Pres in charge of Steelband Affairs in Trinidad & Tobago
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad - Pan Trinbago Inc. has a new President. He is Keith Diaz, former Chairman of the Northern Region of Pan Trinbago and member of WITCO Desperadoes.
Diaz received 152 votes to the incumbent Patrick Arnold’s 116, at yesterday’s Annual General Meeting/Trinbago Triennial Convention held at the East Mucurapo Secondary School, Mucurapo, Port of Spain, Trinidad.
The Election of Officers to the Central Executive was the highpoint of the day’s Convention. Some 70 steelbands were eligible to vote.
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I would like to congratulate Mr. Keith Diaz for his successfull campaign.this shows that change must happen so make can progress. I also wish the past president good luckon his future projects. I
Congratulations. To the New President of Pan Trinbago . We wish you all the success in your new post and do hope that you serve us in the Pan Family with respect and trust go with god speed. Well done to all who voted.
Good luck Keith Diaz ,i am sure you will need it change is good i do hope to have an informative web site soon as pan on the net as Boogsie says put the business people to work let pan and the players come first, you might just get the headquarters completed-panlover.
From what I can see there were a number of good initiatives that Patrick Arnold presided over in the earlies and he should be commended for that. However, at some point, it looks like the organization ran out of steam . Pan can grow by leaps and bounds if the incoming executive creates the structure that can act as a non-partisan clearing house for fresh ideas. Any member of the pan fraternity, anywhere in the world, should be able to submit a proposal to Pan Trinbago and have it vetted and responded to, without the parliamentary-style bureaucratic process and overuse of 4-letter words like "can't". Most Pan People don't want a position in Pan Trinbago we just want to see Pan flourish. Even a can of peas on the supermarket shelf takes 7 different professionals to bring it to market, why do we think we can push a big concept like pan with only tuners, players and arrangers? I wish Mr Diaz well and sincerely hope he can build on what works and pass on what doesn't..Dr Dre'
The doors of the world are open to Trinidad and Tobago through the medium of the steel drums. With this change should see the steeping out into the world. Let the games begin. Congratulations to Keith Diaz my friend from Jackson Street, San Juan.
As you start down your new road Mr. Keith Diaz, I make an humble suggestion: please know yourself and your history and delegate tasks and duties instead of consolidating everything and everyone underneath of you for the sole purpose of being above the next person. I make this request of Mr. Diaz - be accountable for your personal and public behavior, the money entrusted to you (let the people see the ledgers), and you must lead the way in showing respect for women and youth (sadly lacking in our ranks). Then and only then will the everyday pan person take your platform to grow the organization with viable chapters world-wide seriously and stretch out their hands to help.
I'm glad there was a change, but I have learned not to jump the gun...Mr. Diaz has to prove that this was a good change before I tote him as PanTrinbago's saviour
congrats - lets see the action and less talk as normal when the wax is warm and u dont fall into compacency - this is national and international stage - lets get the headquarters finished and dont play with the politics - forward in d engine room- looking forward to a great rama 2010
Congratulations and best of luck to Mr. Diaz.