Anybody recognize this question and answer?


               Why do you think, as you also suggested, that businessmen should take

               charge of Pan Trinbago?

               Because the present executive of Pan Trinbago has no vision. This thing

               should be run as a business...First of all, I think an audit should be carried

               out on Pan Trinbago. Because nobody knows what they're doing with the

               money they've been making. And they make good money...The last time their

               office was on Edward Street and there was supposed to be an audit, the office

               burned down.


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  •  If pressure is put on the Government to demand accountability for the tax dollars they give to Pan Trinbago we might get some results. All pan people should find out when the MP for their area is in their office and lodge a complaint. If enough people do this the government would not have any choice but to address it .

    • Therein lies the problem............the Gov't. Since the inception of PT, there has never been a call for accountability. Should there be a call? What kinda gov'ts have we had? They shell out millions (because they have it)  over the years, New Year after New Year, and don't give a darn what whoever does with it. Therein lies the problem. Me? Ah goin' an play in Sweden, then carnival in New Orleans or Rio. Eh?.

  •  like in true trini style

     a blame game will ensue and to avoid the mess

     a new vision will come in with the same khaki pants and different label

     if businessmen take over 

     pan trinbago may join with watson duke and roget to form the panman association

     we aint going no where

     happy new year to all for 2014 and beyond

     safe trip till the end

    • No hope, nowhere -- Evan?

      Grim reality!!!

  • Claude Happy New Year,,you make me laugh,,this is a good one for the 2014  keep it up respect and God Bless

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