
  • The New York carnival association has to be considered one of the biggest failures in the history America. A classic case of greed and the all wrong people in the wrong places.

    What a sad ending to something that was once attached to someone as brilliant and courageous as the late Shirley Chisholm.


    • There is no where in the world that has a has a steelband with Trini in it that is successful.

  • This is a REALLY NAIVE BUNCH on this FORUM.


    E-V-E-R-Y  L-E-V-E-L!!!

  • So you telling us that the bad management has followed us all the way to the cold . Seem to me like pan players are a glut for punishment. Like I have been saying all along we came from a culture of many talents but we are not going at managing. What is bad about this is we coming down hard on PanTrinbago for their greed and mismanagement but the same thing happening right in our home away from home .
    • I'm sure the money they make from panorama in New York is enough to pay the bands, let the public know how the finance from the show is spent.

      • You are very idealistic, Cecil. But that is NOT HOW the WORLD WORKS!!!

  • Until they get the WILL TO STRIKE they will continue to be EXPLOITED. The TRINIDAD PAN MEN got on the EDGE of STRIKING but DOCTOR DOLLY tricked them by promising early payment. Her political career was at risk with any obstruction of the Carnival Process (how many times before the Carnival she repeated: We need to have a successful Carnival) -- so it was FOOL THE PAN MEN or live with the POLITICAL STAIN.

    She elected to FOOL THE PAN MEN.

    I wish somebody who understands the NEW YORK STEEL ORCHESTRA SCENE would come on this WEBSITE and turn up some CARDS!!!

    • Yes Claude;

      They need to strike and have a sit down with the governor and mayor. WIADCA and USSA is just the NCC and Pan Trinbago up North. 

      I heard everyone has been paid except Pan.


      • bugs: NO MONEY in the BUDGET to PAY PAN MEN ... and NO MONEY in the BUDGET to BUILD A WALL.


        • Claude 

          Any organization that can claim to generate over 100 million dollars for the city of New York and can't pay the Pan Man has to be most incompetent people of all time or the biggest CROOKS of all time. And won't even mention that for years the New York Panorama was the show that paid for everything.


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