It has been 48 hours since the Friday the 13th Steelband Massacre when the NYC pan community was body slammed and kicked in the ass. They lost their lollypop and all their panorama prize money - thousands of dollars worth, that is. Quite frankly, no one has come forward with a logical reason why they, the NYC pan community, should not have been taken advantage of. Why not, because WIADCA (the West Indian American Day Carnival Association) are upstanding citizens and protectors of the arts and culture? If you believe that, we got a bridge to sell you.
Look, if WIADCA had not taken the New York pan people’s lunch monies someone else would have. Let’s be honest: the New York steelband franchises and community lack creditable and skilled leadership in business and the art of exploiting their investments for their own benefit. Moreover, what little ‘leadership’ there is has not behaved in a manner that would make anyone believe that any form of intelligence or integrity was operating here.
Do the NYC steelband franchises not operate in New York - the entertainment, cultural and financial capital of the world? Is this not the home of venture capitalists, media moguls, HBO, MTV, Yankee Stadium, CNN, Madison Square Garden, Lincoln Center, Donald Trump and VH1 among many others? So why are you attending a panorama competition in a parking lot behind the museum for the last four decades? Are you not the talent, the artists and the performers? Are you not the reason thousands of people come out to see you perform every year? With such an abundance of arenas, shows, promoters, choices and opportunities, why does any organization the level of a WIADCA even have your telephone number? We have never heard one person say they are going to panorama to see or hear the promoters of the panorama event.
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I believe that the panorama bands will be compensated later. But, even if they are not, it will be panorama as usual in 2010.
I hate to be so apathetic, but time will tell.
Pan Woman > Ian FranklinNovember 17, 2009 at 9:19am
You are right Ian. I hope the leaders read this column.
Why have we exported the baccahanal as well.? Take a look at the london model they are seperate from the carnival although they get money from the arts council as well,and share the umbrella with carnival their monies are given to each free of the other and only they can be blamed. Sorry to hear about that.
Now you know why so many of us have been banging on about being professional when it comes to performances and competitions.
As long as there is money involved there is no such thing as a gentleman's agreement. Sadly everyone must be treated with a degree of suspicion.
Badness does not stop at the Horn of Africa, Somali pirates had good teachers from historic times.
Trinis have had the same expiriences through the years with The Valmon Jones "no show" money gorne!!!
Next time have a water tight contract, if someone in WIADCA only sneeze yuh get all yuh money back plus some. And it must be Supreme Court tight
I hate to be so apathetic, but time will tell.