Panorama Promoters say - No money for you!

In a move that only a Bernard “Bernie” Madoff, Al Capone, or recently convicted felon, former New York police commissioner Bernard “Bernie” Kerik and /or the other Wall Street notorious corporate thugs, would have the audacity to pull-off in broad daylight - New York steelband panorama 2009 participants were told they would not be getting paid some two and a half months after they performed at a jammed-packed event. The event, held by WIADCA (West Indian America Day Carnival Association), had thousands of attendees paying premium dollars. Annually, the NYC panorama is the biggest event draw during the Labor Day Carnival festivities held behind the Brooklyn Museum.

NYC’s steelband music organizations have long held the steadfast belief that WIADCA was robbing them deaf, dumb and blind over the decades; however this latest slap has added a new chapter to strange and economically abusive relations between the NYC steelpan musicians and the event promoters WIADCA. Indeed, WIADCA has been living in a Gangstas’ Paradise according to the NYC’s steelband management personnel who spoke to When Steel Talks (WST). Moreover they found it incredible that WIADCA publicly declared in a meeting with steelband management that it would not be paying bands prize winnings et al. This is despite, band managements say, the clearinghouse of hundreds of thousand of dollars in cash via gate receipts and lucrative beverage and liquor sales from the Bar - on the panorama event night itself; they refuse to believe all that income has simply vanished.

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  • Hello- i just re-read this old thread and thought to ask....

    Does anyone know the outcome of this? Were the NY bands paid for 09 Panorama?
  • As only a spectator, I can't even believe what I'm can they do that to people!!!!! I can't even imagine how those Bands are feelin' about this.....
  • this type of behavior by WIADCA will always continue. this is just a suggestion, maybe the leaders of the bands need to get together as a group and challenge the decisions of WIADCA. the planning is already in the works for next year's event, pan leaders make your voices be heard at demand invitations to these meetings (afterall the decisions affect you). No man is an island and if the voices are loud enough the 'kingdom' will have to succumb to the needs of the people. the bottomline is that there must be a united front among the bands.
    PS I am sure that Montano got paid because he will not perform at such an event without a airtight contract - maybe all the money went to him and that is why the panmen did not get their share hmmmmmm. Food for thought
    • no doubt.

      bringin a band out to panorama with no contract is just , well, stupid
  • OK now, as a Pan and Mas lover, I too do not always agree with WIADCA and how they represent us but if we are going to report an incident, please let us tell it as it happened. The Friday 13th, 8PM meeting held at WIADCA office was not only for the Steelband organization, but also included the Mas bands, and the statement made by the president of WIADCA, Yolanda Lezama- was that the funds needed to pay the prize monies, were not available as yet. She also stated that the prize giving event will still go on, as it did on Sunday 15th. All steel bands and the winning mas bands and Kings, Queens and Individuals were awarded their trophies, and a promise was made by WIADCA that the checks would be issued as soon As one of the contestants who are awaiting payment, I would not be contradicting your story if what I wrote here was not true.
    • This is exactly what Catt was talking about. Nonsense and misdirection. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

      Mr. Lewis where is your pay?

      Can you tell your landlord the funds needed to pay your rent have not come in yet? The problem is too many people love Pan and Mas without a business approach.
      • yep. talk that results in action can be very usefel. But all the big talk just becomes 'complaining' when they just wanna yak about it, but continue to DO nothing to actually alter the outcome.

        Action without thought is fruitless.
        Thought without action is useless.
    • How the story is reported is not in question.

      Andalcio Lewis I am truly embarrassed for you. Like most pan and mass people you seem incapable of understanding when you have been dissed. Or is the public humiliation of not being paid on time that has you and others responding like you are on crack? Or did you only go to school in August? Better yet are you on WIADCA's payroll?

      So when are you going to be paid? Are there late payment penalties for WIADCA? Try paying your credit card late? The answer "soon" is not a business reply. Did WIADCA officials also fail to pay themselves? Where is your contract? Oh, I forgot -- you don't have one.

      Andy it sounds to me like you are begging? You are trying to put the best spin an extremely embarrassing situation? The truth is that, you, the mas and pan people are at mercy of WIADCA. They really don't have to pay you. They can pay you when ever they want to - if ever. You are legally powerless.

      Other than WST making a statement about WIADCA, which one of you would ever make statement against WIADCA while they hold your money. Talk about bark-less and bite-less dogs.

      The sad thing about your post is that you seem incapable of taking corrective steps to insure that you and others don't end up in this same position again.

      Truly embarrassing, truly sad.

  • they just takin pan ppl for fools, and its tim we do something.......boycut boycut boycut, and lets see if they can do without panorama
    • I hear you.
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