Trinidad Newsday
PAN Trinbago announced there will be a North Greens section for Panorama Semi Finals on February 12. The announcement came from Acting President Richard Forteau at a press conference held at the NLCB Suite at the Queens Park Oval on Tuesday afternoon.
The press conference was to announce the National Lotteries Control Board’s 2017 involvement in two interest groups Pan Trinbago and TUCO .
TUCO received a cheque for $800,000 while Pan Trinbago received one for $500,000 and the competitions will be called the TUCO/ NLCB Calypso Fiesta and Pan Trinbago/ NLCB National Panorama Festival Semi Finals respectively.
And guy's, the amount of $ cash/money allotted each year to Pan Trinbago is between $30 TO $40 million tt dollars, 2016 alone was/is $31 million, so guy's pay attention, and don't take any more stupid pills/lie's from him DIAZ /Pan Trinbago regime...
... and don't forget the MONTHLY SALARIES: $30,000 a month for Diaz and $25,000 a month for Forteau and $15,000 a month for Joseph ... and don't forget EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. Them two who resign should come on and tell we how much dey was making so we could update the files.
Seeing that NCC controlling the panorama money, Pan Trinbago made ah lil side hustle for themselves, just to have ah lil gas money and put a lil change in dey pocket.
Cecil: ... and to have some CASH ON HAND to help out the SMALL BANDS now and again so that they could keep the 214-220 delegates ready to vote at any emergency meeting. Boy, yuh reading KEITH DIAZ better than me!!!
Doctor Dolly said that there would be NO GREENS this year because KEITH DIAZ did not have the money. Up comes another arm of the GOVERNMENT and hands KEITH DIAZ another $500,000 to invest in MORE BOBOL. He could then hustle another $3 million from SPONSORS for the GREENS and his pocket is full again. The only mistake I have seen Keith Diaz make is to import some OVERUSED cars when he had stolen enough money from PAN TRINBAGO to buy TWO BRAND NEW ONES right there in TRINIDAD.
Ah thought Serrette was supposed to be working on getting the police to lock up KEITH DIAZ for CUSTOMS FRAUD.
Nobody believes me, But the Keith Diaz is the greatest politician in Trinidad.
And only second to PUTIN in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
Claude, things could change in T&T in ah moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
CH, Claude, Bede, odw, WST, Andre-Roger, merrytonetothebone, Ramdoo, et al ( and others), there is TWO (2) way's that I know too get rid of the Pan Trinbago regime, (1) a legislative proposal to P.M. and the Presidents office to ERADICATE Act No 5 of 1986, which will warrant and AUDIT, Pan men can always re-apply fore another Act, or (2), file an EMBEZZLEMENT CLAIM against D Ass / DIAZ and his regime for , mis-appropriation of funds entrusted to Pan Trinbago via him as president, I'm presently in the process of doing #s (1), on behalf of the defunked former Pan Am North stars /SNSE which is very easy, so U guys just relax and enjoy the fireworks that's about too take place...
JJJ, that's if the PM and President office want to eradicate Act#5. and the embezzlement claim have to do with the courts, we are good for another 10 years.
CH; the ERADICATION of Act # 5 will work, it will not be turned down by either the P.M or the President, it is part of the CONSTITUTION of THE REPUBLIC of T&T, i've already checked this out...
JJJ: Everybody only talking and writing all kinda LONG PAPER on PAN but nothing eh changing. So hurry up! Is old men here yuh know. Half ah we go dead before CHANGE come!