No Shephard dog barked when the membership spoke. Clash on Park Street as photo uses $140,000.00 of pan people’s money to stay in office.
By Aquil Arrindell
Placards hoisted in the air, the executive running for cover as members chanted ‘you all must go’ at Park Street last Friday. Key members of the CIP were missing in action; Michael Macano, Gregory Lindsay and yours truly, Aquil Arrindell but surely we were not missed. Dane Gulston, the behind-the-bridge battle axe; Douglas Williams, the samurai for the west; Beverly Ramsey-Moore, the fire empress for Tobago and Fuad Abu Bakr, the good-looking moko jumbie, who lead the charge and brought fear to the hearts of the rejected executive, were not the heroes of the day. The sea of bandleaders who flowed into the office demanding that this executive must go, are the men and women to be honoured. Let history show that bandleaders are not a group of immoral cowards but are brave people who stood against wrong doing in the pan fraternity. The CIP deem this day a public holiday as we celebrate every May 18thcalling it THE GREAT RESISTANCE. (Just being a little comical, don’t take it all too seriously.)
However, based on reports, the mood was intense. As far as I understand, the executive was having a meeting in the board room. Members of the pan fraternity entered the board room and told them that they were stopping the meeting because they had stopped yesterday’s special convention meeting of the membership. A special convention was called by the president of Pan Trinbago and was stopped with an injunction filed by the photo faction of the executive. The membership who were at the head office demanded that the executive leave because Pan Trinbago’s membership would now be taking over the office. Photo and the other members locked themselves in photo’s office, whilst D shephard was left outside, sitting quietly amongst the protesters. Police were then called. After investigating the call, they realized that it was a non-violent domestic issue among PT’s members, so they left. More info on that event;
The prior events that lead to this;
- An allegation against executive members concerning two vehicles.
- Member of the executive resigns because of corrupt activities and continuous disrespect towards the membership.
- Money promised by photo to pan men came up short.
- A number of splinter organizations are formed because of the loss of confidence in the PT’s executive. CIP, Chairman forum, International steel band foundation, Large band Caucus etc.
- Government demanded an audit to explain the 30 million+ dollar debt the organization found itself in.
- Borrowing money from the NCC to pay bills.
- NCC took back the money from 2017 gate receipts.
- Pan Trinbago took NCC to court and won the right to take back the gate receipts.
- NCC took back its money from the 2018 panorama allocation.
- president and the rest of the executive became enemies.
- Bands cannot get 2018 money.
- A petition was signed which gave the members a meeting to oust the executive.
- The executive was voted out.
- Executive took the membership to court, allegedly using $65,000. 00 of pan people’s money to pay their lawyers.
- They claimed they won, however, they appealed the judge’s decision.
- The judge’s suggestion, and the membership’s decision for an early election through a special convention was stopped with an injunction by the rejected executive. $75,000.00 of pan men’s money was allegedly spent to stop the membership from meeting.
The membership agreed to keep the pressure up until all the executives vacate office. We will see where this PT rollercoaster takes us but one thing for sure is that this is all part of God’s design.
CIP says is only love in the house.
Document of Concerned Individuals for Pan
Pan Man money paying for arm security at head office now.
they using our money to keep us out of our office.....
" this is not a fete in here this is madness....."
No retreat no surrender...
Mr. Claude... i trying to chain up photo's mouth piece. lol
I am extremely upset with you Mr. Claude..... trying to insinuate that Russell Providence run Gregory and I from the forum....
I tired tell alyuh, doh get in between RP and I .... that is my good good friend...
The CIP members are really entertained and amused by the way he keeps us relevant as the struggle continues. As a matter of fact, if he stopped writing about us we would be disappointed.
And my hour glass you ran over with your van and boasting about it on the forum ..... I don't think you took into consideration the amount of emotional distress you have caused..... but it is ok, I bought a new one.
But Gregory and I have not turned our back on our WST family..
We just busy doing, as we know you have the old talking covered. lol
Aquil...are any steps being taken towards mediation as prescribed by the judge? If so please enlighten us?...
not that i know of.....
the both parties look like they ready to cuff it out in court.
this friday is the next court day.
Trinidad has to be one of the most carefree places on earth...People ent 'fraid Police, Court, nutten... I have a little experience with matters like these yuh know and when last I check, once a matter reaches the court both parties are advised to tread with some degree of caution until the resolution of the said matter. So whether yuh accept it or not all the actions taken thus far from the bullying of the lawyer to storming the office (especially) were not well advised...
Say what yuh want. Photo is well within his rights to seek legal redress, regardless of who money allyuh say he use to do so. He may not choose to do so but storming the office could send him to seek restraining orders on everybody who was then present, thus wasting more time and cost more money....And he would still be in his rights so to do....Just saying nah...
well they could not read and comprehend THE CONSTITUTION -- now yuh want to send them to LAW SCHOOL!!!
The real problem here as I see it is that nobody on either sides (or sides) is prepared to stop and think this thing through for the betterment of Pan... Everybody in survival mode...In the first place I don't know what was the point of the constitution if people choose to ignore it when it suits them....But then again we talking about an executive that can change the rules of a competition in mid-stream to accommodate people to break the laws of the land. Should I be surprised that the same people they support in skullduggery want they head now?...I think not...
Forteau had access to $140,000 to pay ATTORNEYS. And THE CIP could not even afford A MAGIC MARKER!!!
The OUTCOME seems OBVIOUS even without my CRYSTAL BALL!!!
Yuh think dey understand what an "appeal" is?... Why people "appeal"?... What an "appeal" means?...