Trinidad and Tobago Newsday
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Noisy festivities from both the North Stand and the now infamous “Greens” yesterday resulted in complaints that they were hindering the Panorama semi-finals which was well underway at the Queen’s Park Savannah last night.
The problem appears to have started at the very start of the semi-final for the large steel-band category when the first band due to take the stage, Invaders, was about to perform at about 5.05 pm.
....However, when the second band, Tropical Angel Harps, came on and began its performance of Winston “De Fosto” Scarborough’s “In De Minor”, the same noise could be heard. The band played on, and there was no remark from the MC.
But as the sun began to set and the revelry began to reach new highs at the North Stand, there was once more a call for order.
Desperados was due to perform at 6pm when they too were asked to wait until the noise – this time identified as tassa drumming from the North Stand – dissipated. The MC asked the North Stand to tone it down. It wasn’t clear that this was going to happen and so the show went on. Despers went on to perform for 7 minutes and 35 seconds, earning plaudits for Superblue’s “Spankin”.
read entire article
Just saying that in my day in the North Stand all NOISE MAKERS has respect and stopped the noise immediately when the DJ stopped playing the Bands tune of choice. Maybe no respect from the youth of today.
Aye Carvy, in your day if yuh didn't stop yuh might ah have to brakes from some Carib bottles, but these days pan people is decent people.LMAO!
It is time that the Executive of Pan Trinbago stop walking on eggshells and do their job. Yes we love to have fun but if these percussionists want to play- JOIN A STEELBAND. This is not your show, The Steel bands are the focus. It is so simple DO NOT ALLOW OTHER INSTRUMENTS into the North Stand. Yes there will be comments and drama but it is a Steel band Competition What is complicated about that. We tend to let things get out of hand and create a problem. Can you imagine David Rudder or Machel Montano permitting an unauthorized singer to carry on their own performance when they are on stage?
Pan Trinbago and Mr. Diaz, who do you represent ? Being a LEADER is not an easy job , but then YOU ASKED FOR IT.
You keep saying that things need to change- well, DO IT NOW, PUT PAN FIRST and $$$$$$ will follow.
The best music heard last night was from the band that came last, i.e. Birdsong.
You have tobe a Birdsong fanatic to believe that, Yes the music was good but it was not the best music. To top it all Andy Narrell is a bore, Skiffle had him years ago and they also got out of the finals. He must understand that you cannot change things that you have no control over. He can bring that tune later on in the year for a better result'
So it's both North and Greens, eh? If "North" don't understand, then confiscate the noise makers. If the Greens don't cooperate, then write into their contract, a clause that gives the contractor (PT) the right to withhold payment. The question is 'are there penalties for any infractions?'
It is almost '''LAUGHABLE''.Just a few years ago the MIXTURE I AM NOW seeing in ''THE NORTH STAND' DID NOT EXIST.,SUDDENLY every one wants to belong.This also applies to the VARIOUS BANDS.As the saying goes IF YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM JOIN THEM.
It is time to OUTLAW all rhythm sections in the north stands, someone has to make to tough decisions.
Exactly. Why allow the "noise makers"(instruments) into the stands, if the noise makers (people) don't understand courtesy. Tough decisions usually work in a lawless society.
Congratulations to All Stars for topping the Semi-Finals; they really depicted their tune of choice. My opinion is that they have peaked and I cannot see any room for more excitement. This means that the other bands have to now capitalize. Let's see what transpires in 13 days.
Yes! although the music was turned down at the pool party, the vibration or feedback could still have been heard by the judges. Next time I hope there will be better networking; all entities must be respected by each other and consequences should be in place. .