So I am suspecting that she might be UNDER PRESSURE in trying to deliver this PROMISE to TOBAGO. But I always give BEVERLEY good advice. So once again I will encourage her to CALL A PRESS CONFERENCE and give a STATE OF THE PAN WORLD report after one year of her LEADERSHIP and towards the end of the interview -- she could just sneak in a little APOLOGY to DOCTOR DOLLY for disrespecting her in front of the whole world because of some perceived slight of PAN.

(And for the RECORD, I don't think that any AUGUST MONTH has ever seen SO MUCH PAN as there was PAN in TRINIDAD this last August that just gone. So maybe THE BEV was just playing a little political piece of TRUMP on her way to the NATIONAL POLITICAL STAGE.)

I hope that THE BEV stops listening to her brown-nosers who keep encouraging her to continue the fight with DOCTOR DOLLY when DOCTOR DOLLY have her hands on the PURSE STRINGS and she could suffocate PAN TRINBAGO.

And for all who came to TRINIDAD on a BOAT and don't quite understand the politics of the nation, THE PNM does not need to give PAN TRINBAGO $40,000,000 to run PANORAMA 2020 just because 2020 is an ELECTION YEAR. THE PNM could cut back the allocation to PAN TRINBAGO to $15,000,000 in 2020 and still get the 350,000 VOTES from the STEELBAND COMMUNITY. Plus, as I have said in other discussions: KAMLA HAS NO MESSAGE!!!

So stop fooling allyuh self!!!

In the middle of all this, I hope that BEVERLEY does not SHORT CHANGE ME and do a private apology to DOCTOR DOLLY -- literally bending down and kissing her feet and APOLOGIZING in PRIVATE and then coming and putting on this big PUBLIC FRONT of resistance just to MAMAGUY ME and all she brown-nosers.

GREGORY LINDSAY is ah big DISAPPOINTMENT -- that man kissing up to BEVERLEY like ....

All because he want his band to go to TOBAGO for the TENTATIVE PANORAMA FINALS. Come on GREGORY!!!  PAN PROGRESS FIRST and your EGO second!!! Or did that only apply to KEITH DIAZ?

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