BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE has one or two critics here and there; but, in general, she has very strong support without TOO MANY DEMANDS or EXPECTATIONS.

The STEELBAND COMMUNITY sets an extremely LOW BAR -- so I would expect to see BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE run the organization for another 8 years at least. Unless she jumps ship and goes into NATIONAL POLITICS (which is the read that RP and CG have on her).

Until PAN LOVERS (talented PAN LOVERS with administrative skills and global vision for PAN) come together and form small groups targeting specific advancements -- PAN will continue to FLOUNDER and the movement will continue to move sideways with the continued exploitation of PAN PLAYERS.

Frankly, I think that GUYANA has the opportunity to LEAD THE WORLD IN PAN in the next decade. It might behoove a small delegation from T&T to try to ingratiate themselves with the PAN MOVEMENT in GUYANA and bring some benefits back to PAN TRINIDAD.


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  • We can have THREE and FOUR and FIVE person groups in TRINIDAD dedicated to SPECIFIC ASPECTS of PAN PROGRESS.

    RECORDING PAN MUSIC for the GLOBAL MARKET would be a good idea. Both REAL and SYNTHESIZED PAN MUSIC!!!

    Take a look at this group: dedicated to advancing steel band education in the United States.

    About NSSBE

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