Well, if my conclusion is WRONG -- put up YOUR MUSIC and make YOUR POINT.

And the best way to do that is to do like THE BROWN GIRL IN THE RING and SHOW ME YOUR MOTION!!!

But if you CANNOT PUT UP YOUR MUSIC -- how are you going to make your point with HEARSAY and WRITESAY and FEELSAY and one set AH SUBJECTIVITY!!!


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  • Ah doh know how much ANYBODY on THIS FORUM knows about the  POKER BUSINESS  or the REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. But I have to pull a little RUSSELL PROVIDENCE here and bring in a little EXTRANEOUS IRRELEVANCE (ah hope RUSSELL doh read this, the man go KILL MEH; and ah have to apologize to odw for using two multi-syllabic words in a row, because that is not my style on THIS FORUM).

    But if you to RENO or LAS VEGAS and sit down in a POKER GAME -- before you are dealt a hand you have to put up a certain amount of money which is called a "BUY-IN" to show that you are serious about THE GAME. Similarly, if you want to buy a house or apartment building, when you write the contract you have to show GOOD FAITH and put down a DEPOSIT to show the SELLER that you are serious. Both "deposits" are called  A STAKE IN THE GAME.

    Well, if allyuh want a STAKE in THIS DISCUSSION -- PUT UP SOME MUSIC. Because I done PUT UP MINE!!!

    And for those who might be NEW to THE FORUM -- go do a SEARCH on THIS FORUM for "WHERE IS THE MUSIC" and you will see who has been asking that question FOR YEARS and is YET TO GET A SATISFACTORY ANSWER!!!

    Of course, I have been talking about PRESENT TENSE MUSIC and not that OLD DISCUSSION from decades ago that PAN MEN are so FIXATED ON -- but since THE CLIPPERS are leading THE WARRIORS as I write ... I am a little FRUSTRATED and SPACED OUT!!!

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