I have suggested before on this forum that the MUSIC MAKERS IN TRINIDAD (Leston Paul and Phelam Goddard and Beaver Henderson et al.) get together and produce music for a STEELDRUM MUSIC CD for GLOBAL MARKETING. And in every case I have suggested that they work with a high level African-American Music Producer.

THE TIME IS NOW!!! They should actually contact WHENSTEELTALKS in NEW YORK (because they are big in the music loop both from a music knowledge base and a contact base) and ask them to find them a few MUSIC PRODUCERS for INTERVIEWS.

SOS!!! SOS!!!

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  • Thanks, Claude! keep pushing the envelope.

  • odw: Russian boys going and JOIN THE PAN TING!!! LOOK BACCHANAL!!!

    • Claude from your earlier post, JUSTIN BIEBER does INDIA

      In his years in the business, Ravi, who used to work at an artist management firm in India, has seen a change in the kinds of artists who tour the country. Up to the mid-2000s, Ravi said, India could only host "Third-World Rock" or "acts that were past their prime in their location of origin."

      But now fans are discovering music on social media, rather than relying on mainstream media. In fact, India is home to Bieber's second largest fan base, behind the US, according to analysis of the star's social media, said Jain.

      Here’s a teenager my kids told me they met at Chipotle, they brought home a selfie they took with him, he’s from the neighborhood, became a millionaire, an internet star whose YouTube videos average over 10 million views on each video.

      Bio.. Jacob Sartorius is an internet personality, who rose to fame via social media from posting lip-syncing videos on Musical.ly. In 2016, Google announced Jacob Sartorius was the 9th most searched musical artist of 2016.

      Jacob Sartorius - Bingo (Official Music Video)

  • I believe the problem is they don't know where the steelband should fit-in, the global market call for dance music, the people who buy music go for popular music, today pan players have to start thinking small,  5-6 players with vocals, 

  • I expect disappointments so I won't be surprised. I've learnt that the locals are so advanced that they have little or no use for outsiders i.e expats. Nothing happens when nothing is happening.
  • No one listening these days claude. The pan fraternity need the basic fixed before approaching the technical stuff. WE will get their though.

    • Aquil (My Friend): I don't mean to be redundant but I am putting this link here just to make sure that you DID NOT MISS IT. And I want you to read it very slowly and soak it in very well. And I would also urge you to try to get a meeting with DOCTOR DOLLY and personally hand her a copy of this link. (And a copy to everybody else down in LAX who swear that they LOVE PAN.)

      ... because the things dem WHITE BOYS going and do with PAN here -- is really too much for me to bear.

      Ask Randi Curvan and Patrick Ramdoo what floodgate this recording could open. And look at the level of talent they are throwing at it. I really hope you guys understand.


      • "The recording project boasts a hefty list of rock and roll alumni including Stephen Perkins (Jane’s Addiction, Porno For Pyros), Tracii Guns (L.A. Guns), Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David Lee Roth), Bruce Kulick (KISS, Grand Funk Railroad) along with Emil and Dariel, the young Russian cello duo from America’s Got Talent. This first-of-its-kind music collaboration will feature original compositions by Thornton as well as classics by Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Jane’s Addiction, and KISS."

        D'yer Mak'er - Led Zeppelin (1973)

        • Led Zepplin's "Dy'er Maker" gets a steel drum makeover

  • Claude,

    rest assured you are not alone in this suggestion. Along with others I've been saying this for years now.

    No one at WST/ Basement Recordings have taken us seriously. You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

    I'm not holding my breath. I'm just hoping for a pleasant surprise.

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