I know that the UPPM has a whole shadow executive all lined up to replace KEITH DIAZ, but is the recycling of the usual suspects the best road to travel.
The "verification exercise" mentioned in this report should rankle the CRACKSHOTS.
I know that the UPPM has a whole shadow executive all lined up to replace KEITH DIAZ, but is the recycling of the usual suspects the best road to travel.
The "verification exercise" mentioned in this report should rankle the CRACKSHOTS.
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The best man to lead PAN TRINBAGO was recently made the Mayor of San Fernando and the leader of one of the most organized and well managed bands in the Mecca SKIFFLE/formerly Skiffle Bunch .The Honorable JUNIA REGRELLO. With that said if leaves me with no other choice to say that the next in line is the outspoken Gregory Lindsay because without his leadership and brave stand with Dane Gulson in raising awareness to the Government and public eye who knows how long would the present body continue to mismanage all things related to pan. Talk done !
Is that the only criteria for running Pan Trinbago. And I am specifically referring to Gregory Lindsay here. Being outspoken cay be the only skill set we are looking for right? Remember Trini's got taken for a ride with Anil Roberts and his big mouth. Look where that got us.
I do agree with you kaluak murshall. The whole trini pan people can only see so far down the road. This is the same way they run the politics in the country. Look for some old fool who name has been around, NO NEW IDEAS, and eventually put them up on a pedestal. Pick an educated youth under 30 years old, give him/her a chance to lead and figure things out.
Do not get me wrong ok...I am not saying that Mr Lindsay is not d man. But being outspoken is not the only criteria that should be used. Too many people putting their names up as though they are our savior..and you are correct...lots of people know the right thing to say...check Alexander and his new Party....but after they are put in charge..well enough said.
Good commentary by all....
UPPM is listening...intently listening.....while others talk....like you Claude especially from your pulpit......Claude I personally don't care how hard you try to sully my name in this movement....as a weak leader.... You cannot refute that all of the measures put into place....was part of plan for Within the Carnival period......for what is to come after Carnival...... The forensic audit of PanTrinbago..... So please don't be impatient...and stay tuned.....
Gregory, I'm glad to know that the UPPM is functioning, you all have to stay visible throughout the season so you maintain you support. Don't concern yourself with the audit that's between the government and PT. you have to work on the plan to topple the present executive.
Gregory: I put the past behind us and I paid you a big compliment in a recent post but you didn't respond to that. We all on the same team, yuh know. (Go through this forum for the last 7 years and see who has been the most vocal critic of KEITH DIAZ.) We all want to get rid of Keith Diaz and put a better ADMINISTRATION in place. And just between you and me, I have the utmost respect for you as a person because most people in your position would have been coming on the forum and CUSSING ME TRINIDAD STYLE. You have been a BIG MAN about it and I respect that.
When you become PRESIDENT (or gain some authority) we should map out a plan to produce a GREATEST HITS PANORAMA CD. I am not going to say anything NEGATIVE (sully your name) on the forum any more, OKAY. In truth, ALL that I really care about with PAN is THE MUSIC. The politics I understand more than most people that is why I harp in that area so much. But GOOD PAN MUSIC is my MISSION before I dead.
So let's move forward!!! Get some more interviews in the papers and the TV. Get about 50 of your supporters to write letters to all the newspapers daily continuing the attack on PAN TRINBAGO. And come and put up some topics on WST from time to time.
It seems that everyone is just looking for an exchange. That is, find someone to just replace Diaz. I would of thought many in the pan world would grasp at an opportunity here to lay out a proposal, tackle early after carnival 2017, develop positive systems in place to take pan forward. Many tentative objectives and goals can be listed at this time for new system in place. Forget Diaz.
Call an emergency meeting among the membership, ask for nominations for new executives, have nominees list their qualifications for the positions. Most business organizations operate with procedures for emergencies and disaster recovery.
odw: If Pan Trinbago was really a business organization do you think that Keith Diaz and Forteau and Michael Joseph would be running it? Take away the GOVERNMENT SALARIES and the $87M over three years and see how long that BUSINESS stays in BUSINESS.
Who is going to call the emergency meeting? And who will show up?