The author was bold enough to identify my favorite MINISTER as MISSING IN ACTION since carnival!
"Faced with consistently shrinking revenue, the Rowley Government and the NCC are demanding of the stakeholders much less dependence on the public purse and far greater accountability than has been the norm. But old habits die hard. Keith Christopher, Nyan and Shamfa all know with absolute certainty that next year they will still be asked to find the money to fund them all.
The edifice is collapsing under its own weight. But as with crime, nary an administrator or a minister seems able to lift an effective finger to prevent it."
I believe all the major sponsors will be glad to be involved in putting the steelband back on the streets. One could assume that there is a certain amount of guilt about letting the steelband be sidelined for all these years, so any effort to do something could get full support from a lot of people. There is a lot of displeasure over the state of carnival today so this could be good for the image.
It surely was, everything just fall in Dr Dolly lap, poor thing she inherited a comatose carnival and people looking to her for answers. Ah doh tink she jammin still.
Cecil: I put up this article MOSTLY FOR YOU. Here is why!!! When you look at the CARNIVAL CRISIS outlined in this article and you see the shortage of funds and the general lack of PROPER MANAGEMENT -- how do you think that there are enough resources or will or passion or administrative talent to bring PAN BACK ON THE ROAD on Carnival Monday in any of your proposed TIME SLOTS.
Don't do like the CIP and tell me that I have to come to a meeting in MONTREAL to submit my question in person on a piece of paper and then and only then I could get the answer to my question.