Seemingly There is also an unspoken understanding within the so called Pan Fraternity in Trinidad and Tobago,when it comes to the Selection Of Current tune selection from what is termed foreign,and local,..Lame excuses !!!! Reality check, Everything was already given away Cheap by some and some of the Big name Dentist have only Done Extractions !!! They did for self.The true pioneers did for Culture,Show me what they did for Culture,The problem now is nothing much has been Secured,and now as Some awake from their sleep,it's the Crabs in the barrel effect that is in motion!! Iam proud of What i have done to preserve Extraction !!! YOU HAVE TO BRING SOME TO GET SOME.! And my Father Defended it to the max,and Internationally too!!! Hope they find the cure for PTSD. Post Traumatic slave Syndrome.!! And to Easlin Hinds Of Starlift. Hope you get your Rewards For your years of Contribution,Though Seldom Spoken of,They do'nt have a Clue !!!
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