26 days since the PRIME MINISTER of PAN TRINBAGO was elected and not a SINGLE WORD from HER or any members of HER executive.
Ah thought the Vice Prime Minister might ah stand up like ah man and make some kinda statement to the public -- but he eh man enough for that!!! And the PRO let me down.
The Minister of Education disappear from THE FORUM -- under strict orders.
The Secretary is the one who really running the WHOLE SHOW and she is the one who enforce the code of silence so we will not hear ah peep from her.
The rest of the executive ... well dey just going along for the ride, subserviently.
Six years BERTEL GITTENS spend plotting to put BEVERELY in POWER -- and now all the man could DELIVER is SILENCE. And I always consider that man a BIG DOG in the TRINIDAD PAN MACHINERY but now not even HE doh dare BARK!!!
Big CORONATION on the 4th of December!!! We sure to get some BIG SPEECH then!!!
Message from the Groove master...time for a CHILL pill.
De Mighty Shadow - Shadow Ting
Well is not WHEN STEEL TALKS that they silent with. They silent on dey own WEBSITE. They silent with dey own PAN PLAYERS. They silent with dey own LOCAL MEDIA.
Dey doh owe NOTHING TO NOBODY once the election done!!!
This look like PAN REGRESS and not PAN PROGRESS!!!
We never had any kinda relationship here with Pan Trinbago and the new executive knows this, now it's looking like they intend to keep-up that policy.