This is the first PAN MAN I ever met (real or virtual) who had such an authentic history of the PAN. I am not talking about any YANKEE PROFESSORS who READ ABOUT PAN and conducted interviews and wrote BEST SELLING BOOKS about PAN. I am talking about a WITNESS TO PAN HISTORY.

Frankly, JJJ should be spending all his time documenting his memoirs of THE ORIGINS OF PAN. The man has a STEEL TRAP for a MEMORY. And he is the first PAN PERSON who I ever met who I can TRULY SAY was not PIMPING THE PAN. And I have met a lot of PAN PEOPLE whose only interest was what PAN CAN DO FOR THEM. (Ah doh want to call no names!!!)

Now I did mention to him once about setting up some meetings with MEN FROM HIS ERA and reminiscing about the DAYS GONE BY to better refresh his memory of events. So I do like the fact that he is hooking up with that SHERMAN FELLAH to exchange notes. (Sherman: Ah want to buy a copy of your book!)

So, JJJ, one man on the forum respects your PAN JOURNEY!!! Hurry up nah; time running out for all the OLD TIMERS, yuh know!!!

And ah have to throw GLENROY JOSEPH name into the ring too. A genuine PAN AND CALYPSO MUSIC LOVER!!!


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