No more opposition on the horizon for THE RIGHT HONOURABLE KEITH DIAZ. He trampled the CIP like an elephant running over mice. And now he sits at the right hand of the MINISTER OF CULTURE planning a spectacular PANORAMA 2018.

A lot of people kept telling me that  DOLLY DOH LIKE DIAZ and she not talking to him and all kinda local gossip -- but I know better than that. PAN TRINBAGO is a political organization first and a STEELBAND ORGANIZATION second. So Aquil and Gregory better stop running up and down the country trying to disrupt this PANORAMA 2018 and go sit down in a library and study the local politics before they come again.

BIG BIG men in America losing their jobs and their fortunes for "alleged sexual advances and offences" but down in TRINIDAD (The Mecca of the Holy Steelpan) a man could steal (actually steal) 34 MILLION DOLLARS from the GLOBAL GOVERNING BODY of PAN and then get promoted to two government boards -- plus an appointment as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of PANORAMA 2018 where he could steal another two or three million between NOVEMBER and FEBRUARY 2018. And then turn around and win an Election in October 2018 to gain power to repeat the whole cycle of corruption again until 2020.

Gregory Lindsay: Could you please come on this forum and explain this all to me.

Ah getting ah Achy Breaky Heart from all this corruption!!!

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  • Claude, Brenda Hosang hit the nail on the head when she said "They Like It So"!  We are hitting our heads against a brick wall so let's save ourselves the pain.

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