
  • Claude:

    Check out (2015 Japanese 100pan project). It's an own-composition played in PANORAMA format and styling. It's actually quite good.

    Check out also (2004 Zurich Renegades playing Woman on the bass). This is a Swiss band that got Smooth's arrangement rhythmically correct.

    My point? Well to agree with you basically. And to suggest that the PANORAMA genre, in its present essential orthodoxy, has captured the imagination of musicians worldwide, amateur and professional alike.

    Yes, in Andy Narell fashion, we should expect evolution in this way or that, but there is still much to explore within the present PANORAMA orthodoxy. And any number of foreign steelbands are finding much to explore, and delight in, just playing PANORAMA music.

    For what it's worth...

    -Big Sid

    • Thanks for those two links BIG SID!!! They were brand new to me!!! 

      CALYPSO and STEELBAND ... all that's missing is a GLOBAL GAME PLAN!!!

      • Claude:

        I bet odw had them, he is the encyclopaedia of pan tunes and recordings!

        As far as a global game plan, I think the pan phenomenon is already on a trajectory of its own, beyond any one person's or organization's control.

        Check out Classorama in the U.K.:

        Check out the Australian Steelband Festival 2013:

        One idea is to put on a sort of Pan Olympics, where young people from all over the world gather, perhaps every four years, just to celebrate the pan in all of its musical variety. Classorama Global for the kids!

        And maybe also Panorama Global for the big bands. The Japanese 100pan project (2015) shows that others have arrived at a point where they can compete in size and quality with our big bands:

        For what it's worth.

        -Big Sid

  • I don't know how many times I have posted this CALYPSO on this forum. But it is just so topical in my mind that it never leaves me. Now, I would love to get into the TIME MACHINE and give the MIGHTY POWER some suggestions on enhancing the lyrics because so they are so flat and uncreative in so many ways (the verses and not the chorus -- which is PERFECT). Yet, the message is LOUD and CLEAR and EVERGREEN.

    Yuh think ZANDA could come in the STATES

    And say he play JAZZ

    Yuh mad oh me LARD DEE

    The States have more JAZZ


    So why neglect yuh culture

    Yuh making meh feel sad

    Calypso and Steelband is the CULTURE OF TRINIDAD


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