I spent hours on THIS FORUM warning EVERYBODY not to go down the BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE ROAD during the LAST ELECTION CAMPAIGN -- ah tell EVERYBODY in meh best TRINIDAD DIALECT not to wait until MIDNIGHT to light candle to LOOK FOR TING when you could SEE IT PLAIN in the MIDDAY HOT SUN.

But CECIL HINKSON and EARL RICHARDS came on THIS FORUM and cut me down just as small as Pretender ... with their "WOMAN IS BOSS" campaign slogan!!! 

Now people regretting!!! And they have not even seen THE DOSSIER on THE VICE PRESIDENT -- nor have they seen the FINANCIAL REPORT for 2019!!!

Anyway, IS PANORAMA TIME AGAIN!!! And all PAN IN TRINIDAD is really about IS PANORAMA!!!

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  • smh....steups.....

  • Aye Claude, for ah man who vote for Trump yuh surely making ah lot ah noise about Beverley.....

    • Cecil: If you look at the numbers closely, TRUMP has a real good chance of WINNING AGAIN.

      The DEMOCRATS do not have a viable candidate -- BIDEN is WAY TOO OLD (and senile) ... he sure to break down in the stretch run.

      Allyuh still have BEVERLEY FEVER? When you see her keeping that LOW PROFILE -- yuh know ting eh going too good.

      HAPPY NEW YEAR, MAN!!! Make sure yuh go down in time for the TOBAGO PANORAMA -- it WILL BE A GOOD SHOW!!!

  • I thought we were going to see the plans for a new executive and the expenditure for 2019 – 2020 yet all we get is talk, talk, talk.
    When will we know the cost of the panorama shows or if we will have a north stand for 2020?
    The season is short but Pan Trinbago is still lacking on its website.
    If you are going to have 4 months of a panorama, at least make some money from it. Setup a quality broadcast and have a pay per view at a reasonable price. Freeness will only go so far.

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