Open letter to PanTrinbago

For the last 5 years I have been reading the posts on WST and PanTrinbago websites. WST is a great saviour for the Pan Industry. PanTrinbago follows WST discussions about what is happening in the PanWorld and with all the important news PanTrinbago lists on their website they never utalize WST to get their messages to the masses.


Currently there is an article about STEELDRUM SHORTAGE in Trinidad and Tobago on their website. This a very serious situation, why doesn't the writer post this article on WST post for the world to get involved in  pressuring  the relevant authority to rectify this problem. Not much Pan People are aware of PanTrinbago site to know what is going on with serious matters like this.

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    Greetings to the WST community,


    I am not one as you will know by now, to waste WST people's precious time with foolish 'ole' talk.


    Coming out of a Northern Regional PanTrinbago meeting on Thursday July 29, 2011 at Communiciation Workers Hall in Port-of Spain, the writing is on the wall for Panorama 2012,...and whistles are about to be blown on serious matters internally & externally on the organization better known as PanTrinbago headed by President Keith Diaz and Ministry of Culture headed by Minister Winston Peters.


    Protocol dictates that I allow the President to speak before I do, to allow him the opportunity to buss de mark.


    Stay tuned and keep your collective heads close to the ground.....because this is a warning that ....a storm is on the way..


    Enjoy your week...and keep loving up the pan!



    Manager - Power Stars Steel Orchestra

    St. James, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad


    • About time somebody buss the mark.
      • Waiting impatiently for de mark to buss!

        i put my money on obeah man!

  • When is this redundancy going to end? Pan Trinbago is about a few pan men having regular jobs and collecting regular salaries and having a little power in the lower rungs of the society. Why do you people constantly try to burden them with responsibities beyond their personal agendas?
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