Over $14m in prizes for Panorama

Trinidad Express By Gary Cardinez
More than $14 million in prize money is up for grabs in Panorama 2015 and this is in addition to appearance fees and assistance to bands by governing body Pan Trinbago.

The first bite out of the big money came when Carnival 2015 kicked off Friday evening at the Paddock, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain with the staging of the National Single Pan preliminary for steel orchestras in the Northern Region.

Now in its fourth year at this venue, Friday’s event was the most successful to date as patrons hungry for pan music moved into “Carnival Central”.

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  • If the Single Pan category has 77 bands, one can see why there is a shortage of players. I think what has happen is the player has learnt how to play the system, if someone plays for 3 bands in the 4 categories you talking a nice piece ah change here.

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