"... I hold no grudge towards anyone or their personal agenda especially if the organization's leadership team are finding themselves in quicksand, over an inability to continue operating as a cohesive unit, after a solid 2 year run."

Gregory: If you are going to report THE PAN TRINBAGO CRISIS to the WORLD, you need to be MORE ACCURATE in your REPORTING.

The fact is that PAN TRINBAGO did not operate as a cohesive unit for the last two years. The EXECUTIVE FRACTURED after the FIRST YEAR (actually, I could say within the first year) and the infighting has been going on ever since -- NEVER TO BE MENDED.

Go back on WHEN STEEL TALKS and see the discussions about CARLON HAREWOOD'S removal as VEE PEE. Since that time THE INTERNAL WAR HAS BEEN AT FULL BLAST.

BEVERLEY lacked THE GUTS to FIRE CARLON HAREWOOD when she had the chance and that cancer has grown more ferocious over the LAST YEAR. It is still not too late for BEVERLEY to SAVE THE DAY -- SHE SHOULD WAKE UP TOMORROW MORNING and FIRE THOSE THREE TYRANTS ... and MOVE ON!!!

Personally, I think that GERARD MENDEZ is going to WIN THIS WAR against BEVERLEY -- she cannot take the kind of psychological pressure that GERARD MENDEZ will put on her over the next 12 months. So she either take her chances and FIRE THEM THREE HARD BACK PAN MEN or SHE SHOULD RESIGN ... just give up PAN TRINBAGO and go back and PLANT PEAS INTOBAGO ....

MENDEZ: Ah betting on YOU!!!

I would like to invite MR GERARD MENDEZ to come on THIS FORUM and explain his VEXATION and DISAPPOINTMENT with BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE ... - When Steel Talks

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