Here's another "great" idea for Pan Trinbago to consider: In addition to the pool, install some poles, and some "VIP Private Rooms", where we can prostitute the women of Trinidad and Tobago, especially the panwomen. (Age optional; you can go as low as the "client" is willing to go.) That should bring in some more dollars. Also, set up some "peep shows" and hand out inflatable dolls with holes in the right places. Take this prostitution thing to another level, my pimping friends. You are okay with pimping Panorama (reasons acknowledged), so your morals should be perfectly matched. Jean and Dinah, can once again be "working for de Yankee dollar". How much is the rate now; six to one, or six to nine? So, I say, continue to justify money as the reason behind your pimping of our culture. Ah gone. Ghost out. ☺
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