This an unfortunate occurance for pan and pan-people but we have to wake up love the pan accross the board.If we truly love it let us pay to hear it that is the only way it can be exported promoted or even be taken seriously.Money is not all but goes a very long way if people are getting somesourth of encouragement mostly youth it makes things easier.This although is not the real issue it is a leadership and management,the sponsers and those involed should see this as a business oppertunity,the Pantrinibago leadership is still looked upon as( gi meh gi meh gang)by business people govrentment an will usally take whatever not get any thing right untill the next pantrinbago election.They are not looked upon as a worldbody organization that can put on a show any part of the world at any time of the year an be responsible,my panpeople when you go to business dont ask for a sponser ask for a pathership because you must be organized have something to offer.As long as pantrinbago going as it is going an thinking how they are we will always need sponsers
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