Is Carnival in Trinidad Overrated?
Trinidad Carnival is merely “a drop in the bucket” when compared to carnivals in the Diaspora and beyond.
For example, the Caribbean Carnivals, Caribana in Toronto, Labor Day in Brooklyn, NY and Notting Hill Carnival are the world’s largest cultural festivals in terms of attendance and economic impact. Brazil’s Carnival is considered the world’s largest and most spectacular. Carnaval de Tenerife claims to be “the second largest carnival celebration in the world.” Where does T&T Carnival fall along the carnival spectrum? What say you? And why?
Soca and calypso become moot in the discussion, except in the Caribbean Carnivals, because each carnival, being culturally based, is driven by “local” music and traditions.
The Trump Card
In spite of the many efforts over the years to increase the presence of steelbands on the road on Carnival Monday and Tuesday, in my view pan remains only tangential to carnival with Panorama being the most important “outlier” to the festival.
Nevertheless, pan and Panorama remain the essential aspect of carnival that separates Carnival in T&T from the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the vision of the leadership of the pan movement, obfuscated in part by greed and selfishness, is too myopic to see that reality that pan is the “trump card” in the carnival business.
It’s time for new leadership and direction for the steelband movement.
Enjoy Carnival in Tenerife
"It’s time for new leadership and direction for the steelband movement."
THAT IS THE PROBLEM!!! How do we get that NEW LEADERSHIP in place?
EXPATS seem more concerned than PAN TRINBAGO and the MINISTER OF CULTURE about PAN in the CARNIVAL.
So, maybe, that SHIP HAS SAILED!!!
Claude, once there is carnival there is room for the Steelband.
Carnival today is surely overrated, it was not like this in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s it's only when the "money grabbers' got involved the quality of all aspects of carnival took a downward spiral. The omission of the Steelband had a devastating impact.
All top level studies and dialogue went soft on the Governments over the years for not seeing the potential of the Steelband and Carnival. The Government don't see it-self as the Custodian of our culture, until it does things will remain as it is
The dialogue will continue in the Forum.
Hi Ajamu,
Thank you for this post. It's a theme I have decided to pursue for post-grad studies at the PhD level, "I aim to question the relevance of the cultural triumvirate of calypso, masquerade and steelpan music in Caribbean carnivals among Caribbean/ Canadian diasporic communities". I agree with your statement on the issue of pan and panorama as the differentiators in the T&T carnival, and the apparent lack of vision of the leadership. You also touched on soca and calypso as "moot" point in the discussion, and I agree with that statement also. I noticed that your posting had 30 views and 0 comments at the time of my reading it, and I know this is a very thoughtful expression you penned, but maybe folk are still asleep, so I wrote this response before I head out on my way to work to generate additional interest on such an important topic.
I will like to add to your expression by saying, there is a need for high-level comparative studies in the diaspora and beyond by a competent independent pan group (not necessarily pan players or pan administrators) to understand the issues, highlight the problematic areas related to pan in T&T and the global context and propose pragmatic solutions through a binding policy framework that guides the "World Governing Body of Pan".
The global steelpan community signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the International Conference on Pan 2015 and we are silent regarding the woes of the steelpan movement of which we are a critical part.
Therefore, Pan Trinbago as the head must acknowledge there shortcomings regulation to the failures for advancement of pan, and seek input from the international contingent to align the interests of steelpan for success in the 21st century.
Of course, there has to be a process to qualify the parameters for any study and the outcome will provide a course of actions to create a strategic plan with milestone indicators along the way to help the statement implemented by the lack of vision of the current administration.
If Pan Trinbago and the global steelpan community is serious on its intentions to advance pan, there is only one way forward, and that's through reeducation for all involved in pan. Reeducation does not have to be a formal classroom process, but informally implemented in conjunction with a change in attitude. Attitude is everything.
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