Pan Conquers Point

Pan stewards and officials dropped the ball last Saturday at the 16th edition of the annual Point Fortin Borough Day Celebration Pan on the Move. 

Most of the participating steelbands were hampered by disc jockeys along the route, who were hesitant to turn down the volume on their systems as the bands made their way to the review stand at Market Square. One particular DJ was guilty of this from as early as when the first band—south’s Pan Elders—commenced the trek as he continued playing loud music during the band’s performance. 

I feel that the organisers of this event need to adopt the rule of Brooklyn Labour Day organisers and have absolutely no disc jockeys along the steelband parade route, between the hours of 5 and 10 pm, the hours that Pan on the Move is held. After all, this event is billed as Pan on the Move, held in the supposed “culture capital” of “the land of the steelband.”

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  • What allyuh worried about man? There is disrespect fuh d pan allround. Leff, right, top. bottom! Pan make tu beet!!

    • So whose is responsible?

      • The failure lies at the administrative level. The administrators who blindly hand out subsides to showcase the PAN and the administrators who collect the subsidies and then lack the administrative skills to deliver a quality (or expected) product.  Sadly enough, PAN in TRINIDAD is a TURF and nobody could invade that turf without facing a TURF WAR.

        More and more articles are appearing on this forum about the STEELBAND MOVEMENT here in AMERICA and when you read the articles you will see the QUALITY ADMINISTATORS that are implementing the PAN PROGRAMS. In a COMMERCIAL WORLD one could say that these people are OVER QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALLY and ADMINISTRATIVELY -- but they fell in love with the instrument and choose to SERVE IT.

        Trinidad is still decades away from qualified and talented administrators stepping into the PAN TING and HANDLING THE BUSINESS with professionalism and PATH TO PROGRESS.


        We eh reach dey yet!!!


        • An interesting perspective Claudie. The older folks in Trinidad fear turning over the reigns to the young people. But if you use Supernovas as an example you can see that they are quite capable. 


          • Its not fear of turning it over Bugs, its about the pot of gold.

      • Bugs, ask meh ah nex question?

  • Who standing up for the steelband today, who is educating the masses about the cultural value of the steelband?  when you have something of value you protect it,  the steelband is UNPROTECTED in the country of it;s birth. No Trini should rest easy over this because not every country  gave something to the world, we gave the STEELPAN to the world.

  • Tell the DEE JAY to play

    Only SOCA MUSIC today

    For when I feel this way ...

    I could PARTY ALL DAY!!!

    Beautiful lyrics!!!

  • The disrespect continues even in the birthplace of pan.


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