The Daily Herald
PHILIPSBURG--Dow’s Musical Foundation (DMF) made a lengthy presentation to Members of Parliament (MPs) on Tuesday during a Central Committee meeting. The objective of the meeting was to bring Parliament up to date with DMF’s “Music in the Schools” programme.
The Foundation, represented by a team of steel pan lovers and educators, outlined the importance of the steel pan to the development of St. Maarten as a young nation. DMF President Isidore “The Mighty Dow” York wants public schools included in the programme soon.
York started out his presentation by stating that his father, steel pan pioneer Chester York, had been struggling for decades without any real assistance from the state in ensuring that the culture of St. Maarten is preserved.
The Mighty Dow took steel pan to another level through the introduction of steel pan at primary and secondary schools. DMF provides music classes for the schoolchildren and adults of St. Maarten and visitors, with an emphasis on steel pan. DMF also has a steel pan class for cruise ship tourists and teaches them pan at the Festival Village daily.
York thanked the foundation for Government buildings Stichting Overheidsgebouwen (SOG), which recently signed a one-year agreement with DMF to house its steel pan classes in the Festival Village.
DMF strategic planner Gary Cooper was frank with the MPs present and spoke his mind about the importance of steel pan music for the development of the island. “Why do you have this man [York – Ed.] like he is a beggar? The steel pan raises children’s IQ; that is a fact. Research has shown this fact,” said Cooper.