Pan in de Countryside stops off in Tobago

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Pan Trinbago continues its “Pan in de Countryside” series with two events in Tobago. The first comes off at the Charlotteville Recreation Ground, on Saturday 7th July from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Steelbands scheduled to perform include Steel Xplosion, West Side Symphony, Dixieland, Redemption Sound Setters, Metro Stars and Natural Mystic. Popular DJ, Klass is Klass, will also be in attendance.
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  • Why is Pan Trinbago having Pan In the Countryside series and having Popular DJ,Is that not for Pan only,

    That is to dumb, But then again it Pan Trinbago we are talking about.

    • David De, they are not the dumb ones. They are actually smart, in understanding that the people with the REAL money in Trinidad, don't like pan, and if you don't patronize to them, is only the poor (mainly Black) people would show up. They are shortsighted and self-serving, though, and the quest is: Would you join a shortsighted, self-serving organization, even as an "affiliate member" (whatever benefits that brings), especially, when the one pushing us to join, is himself a shortsighted, self-serving member, who has "flip-flopped" on his opinions, as they relate to Pan Trinbago, and their value? You ALL know my answer...

      GHOST - Who Is Neither Shortsighted Nor Self-Serving, Unlike Some Others.

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