The Pan King of Straight Ahead Jazz, Lightning George, will strike Harlem’s historic jazz club, Minton’s Playhouse, on Saturday, September 19 at 8pm. Lightning will join Leopoldo’s Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble and celebrate Leopoldo Fleming’s birthday.
Lightning’s good friends and NYC jazz greats Warren Smith and JD Parran will open the evening celebration with him. Great classic jazz will be enjoyed by all.
Come hear why Lightning is crowned the Pan King of Straight ahead jazz.
Expect the sounds of Monk, a favorite of Warren and Lightning to be prevalent this night. Monk, Duke, Charlie Parker and many jazz icons frequented Minton's half a century ago.
Minton’s Playhouse is located 206 W. 118th St. in New York City.Clyde_George_standalone_Black_White.jpg
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