I have always used DR. DOLLY'S name in a FORMAL FASHION on THIS FORUM.
(But Russell Providence came on here and said that her GOOD FRIENDS and FAMILY and INNER CIRCLE call her "NYAN".)
So in this UPCOMING WAR OF THE PAY BACK with BEVERLEY and NYAN, I am considering myself a GOOD FRIEND of DOCTOR DOLLY (since I plan to represent her position) and crossing the line with a little bit of informality.
Beverly Ramsey-Moore chose to embarrass and shame the PNM PARTY and DOCTOR DOLLY in their own country at their own festival at a time of their PEAK CELEBRATION -- with some false charges.
How could you accuse THE PNM GOVERMENT of DISRESPECTING PAN after all the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS they have poured into the MOVEMENT. Not to mention ALL THE FREE LAND.
Just because you see an opportunity to get some attention, you have to create a PUBLIC SPECTACLE in front of the WHOLE WORLD as they take in THE CARIFESTA. Eric Williams warned about washing dirty linens in public and now BEVERLEY came and did just that.
Well ah hear that NYAN turn from RED TO BLUE ... and she eh turn back RED yet.
And all of a sudden -- AUGUST come and GONE. And is time for BEVERLEY to go and BEG THE DOLLY for MONEY FOR PANORAMA. I am surprised that CLEARER HEADS like Marcus Ash and Denise Hernandez and Gerard Mendez and KEITH SIMPSON did not put BEVERLEY to sit down and explain POLITICS in TRINIDAD to her.
Anyway, like I said before, BEVERLEY TOO BIG in her OWN HEAD to listen to anybody. Remember that she is the MINISTER OF HEALTH and the MINISTER of EDUCATION and the MINISTER of NATIONAL SECURITY and the MINISTER of SOCIAL SERVICES all wrapped up IN ONE as PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO.
Is in HER MIND that I talking about, eh. And all of this MINISTERING is suppose to take place in the PAN YARDS under her IMPERIAL LEADERSHIP.
So now the war is on!!! NO JOKE, EH!!!! (But Beverley better watch she step with all dem SEDITION CHARGES that flying around.)
I would advise BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE to hold a press conference and make a PUBLIC APOLOGY to ROWLEY and DOCTOR DOLLY and the PNM ... or (I eh lying to allyuh) BEVERLEY and PAN TRINBAGO go eat the bread that KEITH and NYAN and THE DEVIL KNEAD!!!
You cannot come to TRINIDAD and embarrass the MINISTER OF CULTURE and the PRIME MINISTER and THE PARTY in front of the whole wide world because of some perceived slight OF PAN and your personal need to GRAB THE HEADLINES at every turn. How about doing YOUR JOB and grabbing some headlines for PRODUCING a PAN SUPER CONCERT?