THE Woodbrook/ St. James Community Association’s Pan on d’Avenue VI this year will be done in memory of Stephen Derek. The steel pan parade will feature 30 bands on the move, accompanied by traditional mas characters and moko jumbies, following a cultural presentation at Adam-smith Square.
The residents of Woodbrook and long standing members of some steelbands will be awarded at the event, that will be held on Ariapita Avenue, Woodbrook, from Taylor Street to Colville Street on August 26, from 6.30 pm. As usual the annual event is done in celebration of the anniversary of our Independence and in recognition of our national musical instrument the steel pan.
But Allima Garcia, Corporate Secretary of the Association was a bit peeved yesterday when Pan Trinbago president Keith Diaz stated in a television interview last week that Pan on d’Avenue event is part of Pan Trinbago’s calender of events for steelband month.
Garcia told Newsday: “Pan Trinbago have no involvement with Pan on d’Avenue.
It is a Woodbrook/St.
James Community Association event and we have been doing it for the past five years.” She said the members felt that their hard work to bring this event to the success that it has grown into, was undermined by Diaz’ statement.
The world getting smaller of Diaz as no one wants him around any more. His good friend told him to resign when he allegedly got a heart attack. But he could leave, something have him holding on.
Could it be his love for the organisation and all the better-meant he knows he can still contribute to improve bands in Trinidad and Tobago ?
Give me your thoughts as to why he is still there.
Aquil, UISZAREALTRINI, yuh like commess. Diaz enjoys the power the job brings, don't forget that he was a dock worker/ taxi driver, now he meets with politicians and other big-shot people, he likes that. "He like one foot Vizi, he reach in society" [DUKE] not to mention the money he has access to. Who ain't go like dat?
Claude will have to answer that one. He claims to have a deep understanding of Rolly Polly's psychological profile.
Very sad when you are considered "persona non grata."
Remember what Rolly Polly and dem gangstas did to the "New Visionaries"... What goes around - comes around.
No one wants to be associated with Rolly Polly and the gangstas.
As was done with the IFS activities, keep PanTrinbago at bay until they straighten out that mess. One can only guess, they don't like being ignored and made irrelevant, ent.