USSA holds first solo competition - But Steelpan Folks Curiously Missing...
New York, USA - First off, very few have been as critical of USSA (United States Steelband Association) over the years as When Steel Talks (WST); however, if the truth be told, the last couple of events produced by USSA have been great ideas. Moreover, USSA has moved their ideas from thought to action and actually produced some solid events.
The latest USSA event was the Pan On Fire solo competition held at the Tropical Paradise Ballroom in Brooklyn. This was indeed an event that should have been standing room only - but curiously enough the turnout and support of the event was surprisingly disappointing. The contest was designed to showcase the musical talents of the young up-and-coming steelpan musicians—of which Brooklyn is in no shortage of—through a solo competition.
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I am happy to see something like that being done, If I was close by I would have attended. MR Keith Marcelle is on the right track, keep up the good work