As most of our members know a Retirement Fund has been started by Dr Lance Seunarine which will benefit older pan people in T&T who are in need.
For those that do not know this is how it works, the Doc. has a few books published and with the sale of each book to WST members he is depositing 20% of the cost into an account for the Retirement Fund, those interested can go to
It is disappointing that after 6 weeks under 10 books were sold, this does not surprise me because I have seen that most WST membership are reactive not proactive.
The Doc. has already told us that both he and his wife are no strangers to charity work, they are proud of what they are doing in Trinidad and Haiti, we as members of WST have an opportunity to partner with the Doc. and make this thing happen.
PS To all meh Trini brothers who feel the Doc using WST membership to sell he books, I say so what, 20% is going into the fund.
To any member that have a better plan, I say let us see it.
Anyone with questions lets hear them, I am sure the Doc. will answer them.
When this program was first announced I went to the website to buy some books, credit card in hand. But when I saw all the simidimi with printing the page and writing a check and mailing and all that stuff in this day and age, I just dropped the action. Anyway, after your admonition today I have gone through the laborious process of printing and writing a check and labeling an envelope and putting a stamp (ah even had to lick it) just to make you happy, Cecil.
Because you is ah man who when the GHOST decide to beat meh up simply because the man have some reading and comprehension problems (despite all the academic talk) -- yuh does come to meh rescue.
Lord, Cecil -- you could get me in trouble boy!
Ah doh know why when it come too money yuh have to WRING Trini hand for them to leggo
Claude yuh modda never tell yuh dat yuh must let sleeping GHOST lie. LMAO
To all who think the Doc. and I giving up on this Retirement Fund allyuh think again, we come like Pan Trinbago we are here to stay.
I am a today person I live in Trinidad I read 1 daily every day, today the NEWSDAY tomorrow the EXPRESS and the following day the GUARDIAN I browse the Internet for cultural discussions, especially PAN. I am a person of the present..
A person like me a book is not the right medium....I prefer something like Panorama DVD or CD
Andre, I hear what you are saying but the Doc.don't produce DVDs or CDs, he is using what he has to start something that we don't have. A book might not be the right medium but for now it is what we have.