Pan Politics and Morality

It is heart warming to learn that Mrs Beverly Ramsey Moore read what I write, and act on my suggestions. I am humbled to learn that she listens to “de country bookie”.

I am happy to learn of her team’s (not executive’s) crusade to the countryside. Encouraging. Evidence of her resurrection for the specific purpose of campaigning for reelection. I have no doubt in my mind now that she would respect the requirements of the constitution and call the elections on time.

I must warn her though that although her intent may be noble, that is not what is perceived of some members of her party. Do not clutch to straws, especially the single use plastic ones, that are rapidly being replaced by those that are reusable. I suspect that, “the straw” saying may be associated with a dried stalk. Straw originating from dried plant material biodegrades. The plastic straws madam president is reportedly clutching to are not easily destroyed, although they have outlived their usefulness.

As I wrote in the discussion Steelband Sustainability and Survival in The Post Pandemic Era, An open letter to Pantrinbago presidential hopeful Aquil Arrindell;

“The movement demands meaningful change, not anticipated continuity or subservient patronage. The movement cannot survive sustainably in its current structure. The movement does not need advice or support from failed, corrupt leaders. The movement needs dinosaurs to be extinct… The movement needs honest leaders, strong people, individuals with integrity, determined to stamp out nepotism and corruption.”

I want to take this opportunity to encourage the sitting president of Pantrinbago to pay attention to the above paragraph and refrain from imposing failed corrupt leaders on member bands that her administration and regional coordinator deliberately withholds information from.

In that discussion, I also suggested that,

“Security of tenure could propel bands to sustainability faster than bands not similarly disposed. Many bands still call nowhere home. A deficiency bands must address in-house. Partial responsibility may lie elsewhere and dialogue may be necessary to initiate action.”

You listened, and used your authority to establish the vehicle to address the deficiency I identified. You are therefore obligated to publicly share the terms of reference of that committee. Hesitance to expedite publication would suggest unpreparedness and incompetence. Not on the committee’s part,  but on the body responsible for its establishment, and to whom its reportable.

Failure would verify the lack of transparency that has characterized your tenure in office. The hallmark of the administration you replaced. You are yet to account to the membership on your stewardship in a timely manner.

I am sure that you read my discussion in this space on the subject of Governance, Startup & Reopening, In an open letter to Pantrinbago presidential hopeful Aquil Arrindell I wrote;

“This is an election year, I am inclined to recommend to the Minister of Culture that similar independent background checks as is required for national social assistance be made, and not to depend on the recommendations of regional officials only for disbursement.

The likelihood of nonfunctional ghost bands jumping ahead of the queue undeserving cannot be understated. The fact that the number of single pan bands almost double that of conventional bands is atrocious. The fact that small bands and medium bands collectively may more than quadruple the number of large bands is alarming. This is so only because of padding. Voter padding takes place to fatten the delegate pool. It is reported that regional officials who are disciples of embattled executive dissenters, but followers of the incumbent president, may already be suggesting to bands whom they suspect may not be inclined to throw their support behind the sitting leader in any upcoming election, to remember the hand that feeds them. These people cannot be trusted with recommending disbursement of scarce funds equitably to the most deserving functional bands that promote the art form all year round, and not seasonally.”

You are doing exactly what I was hoping you would not do. You are doing exactly what you advocated abhorring, considering your condemnation from the floor of similar actions from comparative officeholders. You are not only delinquent accountably, but you are now guilty by association.

You are walking a thin line Madam President, trying to strike a balance between corruption and nepotism. Like in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, you came into office promising to create an organization where transparency and accountability were the order of the day. Ultimately, you betrayed the membership, and the organization ended up in a state as bad as it was before. It is now impossible to distinguish between your administration, and your immediate predecessors who sunk Pantrinbago into insolvency.

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  • Gregory Lindsay why are you guys hopelessly expecting anything from Pan Trinbago? It needs to be scrapped!!! A whole new format is needed to embrace the changing times. By itself steelband is revolutionary...coming from the bowels of poor and dispossessed people who have over time been the VICTIMS of Pan Trinbago and the political force that created it, only to be able to keep a check on these people. It's a waste of time debating anything now.....Sharmain-Baboolal----Noted Journalist"

    I have a lot to say and report as a ground floor delegate of PanTrinbago under this administration; I will speak about certain things that will make some very uncomfortable, because at election times, it seems like some named tagged individuals might consider doing whatever that has to be done, to 'jackass de scene' to ensure what fool who exactly. Tell

    We are under State of Emergency Regulations, under COVID Public Health Regulations, can't meet with my fellow delegates, can't discuss anything at any level; for example a) the possibility of not being able to hold an election and b) the possibility of not being able to hold a national Panorama Competition in 2022; c.) boi who to vote fuh..which slate, the do gooders; the talkers; the toeDeLiners...listen eh.....ah very very disappointed by the conduct of officers, no reports, no recourse, nutten and just take dat and put it in your pipe and smoke it because 'we in charge'...tired of dat..Cabal after cabal, President after President, is de same FourKing Khaki Pants .. new wine in old wineskins.10.8million and 3 years later, no Memorandum of Agreement or Understanding with NCC....nothing....I ask respectfully to all the people i have tagged in this discussion on this virtual media public domain platform....where do we as an organization PanTrinbago Inc T.C. go from here...moving we celebrate Pan Month

  • Steelband silly season is upon us. There is nothing new to write, or to write about. 

    As Basdeo Panday clearly stated, "politics has a morality of its own". The subject of this discussion is self explanatory. I have written in the discussion  STEELBAND SUSTAINABILITY AND SURVIVAL IN THE POST PANDEMIC ERA,

    "In these times of crisis the movement does not need martyrs or lackeys. The movement demands meaningful change, not anticipated continuity or subservient patronage. The movement cannot survive sustainably in its current structure. The movement does not need advice or support from failed, corrupt leaders. The movement needs dinosaurs to be extinct. How will those offering themselves to serve transform the movement from dependency to self sufficiency? The movement needs honest leaders, strong people, individuals with integrity, determined to stamp out nepotism and corruption. The movement needs leaders who are determined to reduce dependency at the top of their agenda, if steelbands are to survive sustainably in the post pandemic era of this 21st century.

    I desire only the best for the steelband movement, and the best for others. My expectation is that good sense will prevail."

    The martyrdom intended in the discussion DEMOTED VP BREAKS HIS SELF IMPOSED SILENCE is a charade, and is express;y distasteful.

    The sentiments express in this social media exchange is painful.

    Pan Politics, like all politics has a morality of its own. The steelband movement has a golden opportunity to effect meaningful change, and catapult member bands towards accelerated sustainability. As I wrote previously, "More than a century ago, the great scientist Louis Pasteur said "Chance favors only the prepared mind." By this, he meant that sudden flashes of insight don't just happen, but are the product of preparation. (wikipedia)

    All stakeholders must be vigilant and prepared."



  • Why is there so much acrimony? So much discourse? 

  • When Beverley Ramsey Moore could pull out former eastern region chairman Vernon Morancie, to be seen in the company of  his nemesis current eastern regional chairman Anthony Walker, I know that Beverley, Walker and Morancie are only playing the steelbands in the east, and by extension the steelband community for a pack of asses.

    Morancie and Walker do not ride shotgun. For a price though, they will suck each others tongue on the bandstand in Woodford square dressed in their birthday suits. 

    Morancie, the manager of a winning steelband, abandons his pans like dustbins at the side of the road during the year.

    Walker jumps from band to band with the express purpose of running for office only. When unable to parasitically attach to a band for the purpose of running for steelband office, he forms a ghost pan round the neck band, unable of flying the flag of the steelband, or Trinidad and Tobago anywhere. 

    As I warned Mrs Ramsey Moore in this very said discussion, "You are walking a thin line Madam President, trying to strike a balance between corruption and nepotism".

    Pan politics is immoral and corrupted, and the incumbent, obsessed with the trappings of office continues to facilitate immorality and corruption.

    Beverley Ramsey Moore has replaced

    No animal shall kill any other animal.


    No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.

    The saga continues as we approach the deadline for constitutionally due elections.

  • Interesting article

    1. Mrs Beverley Ramsey Moore is extremely economic with the truth ( a polite way of saying someone fibs)
    2. The Eastern region coordinator is useless (the only way to describe incompetence)

    It was Aquil Arrindell who began the initiative of collaborating with members of parliament along the east west corridor to provide relief for steeelbands, the remit of the eastern region coordinator.

    It was the east region coordinator who STORMED the Arima hamper handout, disrespectfully attempting to put it to the sitting MP that he should have been notified. SAY WHAT? Than is when she reminded him that her number was unchanged.

    Hear how Mrs Beverley Ramsey Moore and her eastern region coordinator distorts the facts;

    The Aquil Arrindell's hamper relief drive in collaboration with MPs along the east/west corridor for steelbands, now translates into, Pan Trinbago’s recently established Social Prosperity Fund which seeks to provide tangible support and empowerment as well as meeting the pressing needs to vulnerable members of the steelband community.

    Hear Mrs Beverley Ramsey Moore;

    "In thanking the Member of Parliament and the Region’s Chairman, Mrs. Beverley Ramsey-Moore, President, in expressing her gratitude, said that this distribution exercise is the first of several such collaborations. Similar approaches have been made to other Members of Parliament to assist their community-based steelbands, many of whom depend on public gatherings for their survival."

    Mrs Beverley Ramsey Moore and her east region coordinator should be thanking Aquil Arrindell for getting them off their backsides to fulfill their remit, and serve the steelbands that elected them to office for that very purpose.

    The following statement accredited to the president of Pntrinbago is shameful;

    “It is important to act now and provide tangible practical support during these unsetting times”, she noted while adding “this donation will help those in need.”

    Really madam? You and your east region coordinator were both elected to office to serve member bands. 

    While you slept madam,

    Aquil performed for the love of pan...


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