Twenty-three year old Aviel Scanterbury is considered by some to be a musical prodigy with a string of credentials that belie his young age.
A graduate of the music programme at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Scanterbury’s skills as a pan player are impressively matched by his accomplishments as a steelband arranger and important work in collaboration with musicians covering a wide variety of musical instruments and genres.
In a few weeks, at the end of a so-far bumpy financial road, Scanterbury leaves these shores in pursuit of a Master’s Degree in Jazz Studies from the George Mason University in Virginia, USA.
In a few weeks, at the end of a so-far bumpy financial road, Scanterbury leaves these shores in pursuit of a Master’s Degree in Jazz Studies from the George Mason University in Virginia, USA.
• Scanterbury can be reached at 772-2279 with more ideas on how he can make it to George Mason.
I’m a bit confused by how the article is written, if he is already enrolled as a student, what ideas will he need on how to make it at GMU?
Most of the answers can be found at the school website, more specifically the music department. with his knowledge and experience he should be able to offset some of the cost by contracting his services to colleges in the area, with his qualifications become an assistant to the school music teacher Prof. Victor Provost...
In the education industry the university is amendable to negotiating deals that will benefit their bottom line. Annual student fees can run up to $8,000US. If you are considered an asset to their music department, negotiating a win/win can be worked-out. Think Liam Teague.
Victor Provost Jazz Artists On The Greens is on
Saturday, January 21 2017
PRODUCTION One Ltd has announced the line-up for the 15th anniversary celebration of its popular Jazz Artists On The Greens (JAOTG).,238715.html
Victor Provost a master of pan jazz ramajay
I will support this your man.
Aquil: Yuh got ah BIG HEART, boy. Give with the LEFT HAND so that you could strengthen it!!! I can't help myself!!!
Does Aviel have a GoFundMe campaign??? >