Pan Ramajay 2020 Musicians - by Category

(June 27 update:  Pan Ramajay 2020 Finals Results)

Following is a listing, by category, of the steelband musicians participating in the 2020 Pan Ramajay Competition, organized by Exodus Steel Orchestra.  The panists, who are representing multiple countries, have opportunities to display their skills in three categories:  Soloists  -  Duos  -  Quartets.  The event runs from June 13th—27th.

Soloists  -  Duos Quartets


1 Judah Goddard - Barbados
2 Shaquille Gaskin – Trinidad & Tobago
3 Andre Munroe - Trinidad & Tobago
4 Vivian Williams - Trinidad & Tobago
5 Isidore York - St. Maarten
6 Darren David - St. Maarten
7 Natalie Bristol - St. Maarten
8 Charlton Alfonso - Trinidad & Tobago
9 Emmanuel Joseph – Trinidad & Tobago
10 Kailyn Gibbs - Trinidad & Tobago
11 Nathaniel Guerra – Trinidad & Tobago
12 Kobie Alleyne- USA
13 Keishaun Julien - Trinidad & Tobago
14 Kwesi Paul - Trinidad & Tobago
15 Wayne Smith - Bahamas
16 Jamel Cadette - Trinidad & Tobago
17 Tristan Japsi – USA
18 Obe Quarless - USA
19 Sheldon Peters - Trinidad & Tobago
20 Chuma Watson - Trinidad & Tobago
21 Rashunda Dorset-Headley - Trinidad & Tobago
22 Keon Cupid - Trinidad & Tobago
23 Domenic Lewis - USA
24 Xavier Williams- Trinidad & Tobago
25 André White - USA
26 Kareem Thompson - USA
27 Tyeesha Alexander - Trinidad & Tobago
28 Terrique Granger - Trinidad & Tobago
29 Iman Pascall - USA
30 Eljhaie (LJ) Brathwaite – St. Thomas
31 Darius Austin - Guyana
32 Leeandro Noray - Trinidad & Tobago
33 Khuent Rose - USA
34 Mikhail Salcedo - Trinidad & Tobago
35 Arthur Peters - Trinidad & Tobago
36 Hanif Goodridge - Trinidad & Tobago
37 Akeil George - Trinidad & Tobago
38 Patrick Fitzgibbon – USA
39 Roland Lyons - Trinidad & Tobago
40 José Fabián Rosa Santos – Puerto Rico
41 Kadesh Johnathan Clouden - Trinidad & Tobago
42 Maico Miyamoto - Japan
43 Gregory Boyd - Denmark
44 Zahra Lake – Antigua & Barbuda
45 Khan Cordice – Antigua & Barbuda
46 Cherise Thorne - Barbados

Soloists  -  Duos  -  Quartets


1 Isidore York, Natalie Bristol - St. Maarten
2 Darren David, Terry Guishard - St. Maarten
3 Nathaniel Guerra, Emmanuel Joseph - Trinidad & Tobago
4 Sheldon Peters, Terrance “BJ” Marcelle - Trinidad & Tobago
5 Cary Codrington, Keisha Codrington - Trinidad & Tobago
6  Dejean Cain, Deja Cain - Trinidad & Tobago
7 Nalo Elie, Mckeem Joseph - Trinidad & Tobago
8 Chuma Watson, Sean El Rodriguez - Trinidad & Tobago
9  Rashunda Dorset-Headley, Jalen Charles  - Trinidad & Tobago
10 Kievyn Williams, Xavier Williams - Trinidad & Tobago
11 Celestia Augustine, Brianna Morris - Trinidad & Tobago
12 André White, Tristan Japsi - USA
13 Kareem Thompson, DoMoJOAT - USA
14 Hammond Mitchell, Triston Marcano - Trinidad & Tobago
15 Hakim Goodridge, Tyeesha Alexander - Trinidad & Tobago
16 Khuent Rose, Jahlani Roberts - USA
17 Hanif Goodridge, Obadele Allick - Trinidad & Tobago

Soloists  -  Duos  -  Quartets


1 Isidore York, Natalie Bristol, Darren David, Terry Guishard - St. Maarten
2 Sheldon Peters, Terrance “BJ” Marcelle, Marlon White, Shivon Bourne - Trinidad & Tobago
3 Renaldo De Pieza, Triston Marcano, Chuma Watson, Tyeesha Alexander - Trinidad & Tobago
4 Cary Codrington, Keisha Codrington, Khari Codrington, Kaijah Codrington - Trinidad & Tobago
5 Hanif Goodridge, Obadele Allick, Aakeem Larrier, Akeil George - Trinidad & Tobago
6 Tristan Japsi, Kendall Williams, Marc Brooks, Edward Clarke - USA
7 Dejean Cain, Deja Cain, Martin Cain, Shovon Brown - Trinidad & Tobago
8 Kharysa Gabriel, Nathaniel Flemming, Shannon Henry, Hammond Mitchell - Trinidad & Tobago
9 Rashunda Dorset-Headley, Deyonte Samuel, Jalen Charles, Luke Walker - Trinidad & Tobago
10 Brianna Morris, Xavier Williams Celestia Augustine, Kievyn Williams - Trinidad & Tobago
11 André White, Kareem Thompson, Khuent Rose, Iman Pascall - USA
12 Nalo Elie, Angelo Huggins, Mckeem Joseph, Akeil George - Trinidad & Tobago

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  • This event has the potential to attract many players globally if they make it  annual  I hope they do.. 

    • Cecil: This event found a lot of PAN PLAYERS locked down at home with PLENTY TIME on their hands and it attracted almost ZERO PLAYERS GLOBALLY. Next year when people are busy at work again -- you think that they will have time for all this private recording.

      And I am willing to bet that this is a ONE AND DONE -- especially if PNM LOSE THE ELECTION. Because this was a PNM FUNDED PROJECT.

  • Trinidad and Tobago -- 45

    USA -- 14

    ST MAARTEN -- 6

    BARBADOS -- 2

    ANTIGUA -- 2

    BAHAMAS --1

    GUYANA -- 1

    ST THOMAS --1


    JAPAN -- 1

    DENMARK --1

    Actually, there are only  2 "INTERNATIONAL ENTRANTS": JAPAN and DENMARK. 

    Everything else is CARIBBEAN and the USA LABEL is TECHNICALLY a TRINIDAD LABEL!!!


    EXODUS drop the ball there; they should have done some OUTREACH!!!

    And TRINIDAD cannot beat out #6 and #11 in the QUARTETS -- so they will have to give a FIRST PRIZE to a YANKEE GROUP which is not going to sit well with the LOCALS. That scenario will be FUN to FOLLOW.

    I know that THE EXODUS response will be that ENGLAND and CANADA were free to enter but they never did -- but life is more complex than that. I recommend that they make some last minute arrangements and scout down a couple entries from those two countries. 

    When the entries were coming in THE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY AT EXODUS should have mad this observation and moved to invite a couple players from ENGLAND and CANADA. I still say that it is not too late!!!

    Call up TERRANCE NOEL MBE JP and call up SALMON CUPID -- dem two men have access to THOUSANDS of WORLD CLASS PAN PLAYERS!!!

    • Thank you for your continued support to steelpan, and supporting all  things pan it is appreciated.  Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any additional registrations, as that aspect of the competition is closed.  Surely, it would have been great to have representation from England, Canada and other countries.  This competition was promoted globally, and we personally reached out to pannists in the countries that you mentioned and others.

      Ramajay is here to stay and we are confident that pannists from around the world will enter on the next occasion.

      Thanks again for your suggestion and  we look forward to your support in the future.

      Yours In Pan

      • Will there be a live broadcast of  Pan Ramajay?

        • The semi-final performances will be aired on the following dates:

          • Soloists - Saturday 20th June, 2020 @ 8pm AST.
          • Duos - Sunday 21st June, 2020 @ 6pm AST.
          • Quartets - Monday 22ndJune, 2020 @ 8pm AST.

          Results will be announced at the end of each category.
          The rationale for the airing dates as mentioned above is to give each category the opportunity to be highlighted.


          The ten songs used in the semi-final stage will be used in the final stage of the competition. The final performances for all categories will be aired on Saturday 27th June @ 8pm AST. Results will be announced at the end of the competition.

      • I know that the show was promoted GLOBALLY -- I even made my very minuscule contribution on THIS FORUM trying to keep THE TOPIC ALIVE (as I will continue to do). But I think that an EXTRA EFFORT should have been made to include those TWO COUNTRIES -- for OBVIOUS REASONS ... if the LOCALS could ever understand how PAN BECAME GLOBALIZED.

        I know that you CANNOT CHANGE the rules now (which is not quite true since it is YOUR COMPETITION) ... but when the entries started coming in ... somebody in your organization should have seen the GAPING HOLE and corrected it ON THE SPOT.

        And, by the way -- ah just realize that allyuh even LEAVE OUT GRENADA!!!

        • Dear Mr. Gonzales,

          my admiration for the organizers of this competition, and the overwhelming response that Pan Ramajay™ has received from pannists globally, compounded by my respect for you, are the primary factors that motivated me to share with you a story which suitably describes my understanding of the root cause of your concern.

          The Parable of the Ten Virgins

          Matthew 25:1-13...

          1.Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

          And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

          They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

          But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

          While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

          And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

          Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

          And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

          But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

          10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

          11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

          12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

          13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

          I hope that it is clearer now to you why there may be no entrants from the jurisdictions you pointed out.


          yuh bredrin from up in de bush.


    • I am very surprised that no one from the UK took up the challenge. 


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