Very interesting historical insight. Not having viewed the previous installments of this interview, would Mr. Gonzales be kind enough to indicate if he can;
-In what year was Chicago formed?
-In what year did Chicago appear on Sam Ghany's show on local radio?
Please correct me if my facts may be misplaced, I suspect that Chicago, is an east Port of Spain Band, and my reason for pointing that out is because, sometimes we get a different picture from the western front, while mages do align at times. I did ask in another space recently, how necessary and productive would it be to attempt to start any conversationfor the specific purpose of collating information, in an effort to more clearly understand, and more accurately document the diversity of the backgrounds of those whose invaluable contribution to the birth and growth of the instrument and the art form may not be universally recognized or acknowledged?
For example Dr. Anthony Williams states in his manuscript HISTORY OF THE STEELBAND 1946 - 1962:
-That in 1950 North Stars played regularly, fortnightly, on Radio Trinidad's VOICE of YOUTH PROGRAM.
-Anthony Williams also states that prior to 1951 when Lt. Griffith of the St. Lucia police band assumed his position as the director of T.A.S.P.O. only THE PING PONGS IN SOME BANDS WERE TUNED CHROMATICALLY.
He did not document which bands already possessed 23 note chromatically tuned Ping Pongs, or who the tuners were, I believe that this interview may have described the/one of the inventor(s) as it relates to what Anthony Williams relates.
It would be interesting to discover what is being taught as the accepted history of the Steelband.
Mr. Providence: Please OBSERVE my specific choice of words that I used in the title of this POSTING: PAN TALES!!!
And please notice that I posted this TOPIC sans commentary!!!
But I got your point!!!
I posted the FIRST TWO PARTS for you.
Very interesting historical insight. Not having viewed the previous installments of this interview, would Mr. Gonzales be kind enough to indicate if he can;
-In what year was Chicago formed?
-In what year did Chicago appear on Sam Ghany's show on local radio?
Please correct me if my facts may be misplaced, I suspect that Chicago, is an east Port of Spain Band, and my reason for pointing that out is because, sometimes we get a different picture from the western front, while mages do align at times. I did ask in another space recently, how necessary and productive would it be to attempt to start any conversation for the specific purpose of collating information, in an effort to more clearly understand, and more accurately document the diversity of the backgrounds of those whose invaluable contribution to the birth and growth of the instrument and the art form may not be universally recognized or acknowledged?
For example Dr. Anthony Williams states in his manuscript HISTORY OF THE STEELBAND 1946 - 1962:
-That in 1950 North Stars played regularly, fortnightly, on Radio Trinidad's VOICE of YOUTH PROGRAM.
-Anthony Williams also states that prior to 1951 when Lt. Griffith of the St. Lucia police band assumed his position as the director of T.A.S.P.O. only THE PING PONGS IN SOME BANDS WERE TUNED CHROMATICALLY.
He did not document which bands already possessed 23 note chromatically tuned Ping Pongs, or who the tuners were, I believe that this interview may have described the/one of the inventor(s) as it relates to what Anthony Williams relates.
It would be interesting to discover what is being taught as the accepted history of the Steelband.