"Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! SOS, SOS, SOS to our leaders. Where are they? The afro-centric communities are leaderless and without voice."
PNM pointing finger at PNM -- AH WANT TO BAWL!!! Ting must be REAL BAD down in T&T!!!
There is a power vacume in the Mecca.
What Brother Scobie does not know is that things are about to get worse in his "afro-Centric" communities because ROWLEY borrowed way too much money hoping to borrow the country out of the the oil-price slump. But with all the money that Brother Sco making in PAN TRINBAGO he should be able to pay somebody to wipe off his glasses so that he could stop seeing the perpetrators of crime as the victims of crime.
I have said many times on this forum over the last year that this whole PAN TRINBAGO POWER STRUGGLE is an INTRA-PNM battle for control of the PAN DOLLAR$ -- it really has NOTHING TO DO with benefiting PAN or PAN PLAYERS as so many EXPATS on this forum choose to believe.
But it is nice to see DIAZ and his gang of thieves under some pressure -- even though in the end they will survive and win the election in 2018.
Bro Scobie pelting stones at somebody,seems that internal war in the PT executive getting hotter than ah chulah.
The man in his haste to pelt,eh even seeing that dem same stones ricocheting of branches and heading straight at he own head.
Mr. Community Activist/PRO now wants to bite the hand that feeds him, talk about seeing contradictions. There's a difference between being a community LEADER and ACTIVIST...one takes RESPONSIBILITY the other seeks change or appears to be actin like dey in movie. The question remains WHAT can I do to make a difference and WHEN do I start?
Pink Panther - Acting
Ah hope allyuh doh read this SCOOBIE DOOBIE article LITERALLY -- yuh know. Plenty more in the mortar than the pestle allyuh seeing from the outside.
Mi Amigo, Yo ain't see that they don't want to give pan men they $1.000 dollars, they're lucky they're getting $500, remember about 5 years back when UNC PM "Kamla" Bissessar raise the first prize to $2 million, the following year they dropped it to $800 dollars, like I said, they lucky they getting $500, in 2018 who knows they may not get anything...
Yeah Patrick, that is why these corrupt tricksters, is running off with all the "Country's" money, it's all about them embezzling the money... ...