Posted by Pan Times on August 9, 2018 at 8:05pm in News
This morning - Thursday August 9 - on CNC3's the Morning Brew Hema Ramkissoon spoke with two panists about Pan Trinbago. They said, " Fishes rotten from the head."
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Aquil: Ah young fellah say is only ah set ah OLE MEN on WHEN STEEL TALKS and yuh know everybody crying for the YOUNG PEOPLE to take over PAN TRINBAGO.
So we get eliminate from having ah slate.
But yuh know what I say: Yuh could put the young, yuh could put the old, yuh could put the intelligent, yuh could put the educated, yuh could put the illiterate -- THE RESULTS WILL BE THE SAME!!!
Yuh have to have a GLOBAL VISION!!! And yuh have to have LOCAL DIPLOMACY and INCLUSION!!! And yuh have to have ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS!!! And yuh have to have PASSIONATE LEADERS who make PAN PROGRESS their HIGHEST PRIORITY!!! And by the time you try to MIX IN some accountability and honesty and transparency -- yuh might be down to ONE CANDIDATE.
Man, ah tired reading about ANDY NARELL and VICTOR PROVOST and JOHNATHAN SCALES -- it eh have no BIG PAN STAR in TRINIDAD who could come NORTH OF THE BORDER and demonstrate the CALYPSO NUANCE on THE PAN with MECCA AUTHENTICITY integrated into GLOBAL FLAVOURS leaving audiences around the world CLAMORING FOR MORE and critics running to their keyboards to proclaim a UNIVERSAL TRINI PAN KING!!!
When the man become PRESIDENT ah hope we getting FREE SENIOR PAN LESSONS and employment in PAN TRINBAGO.
I could be the PAN AMASSADOR to GUYANA!!! Liming on the SEA WALL in the day and hanging out in TIGER BAY in the night.
Leh me know what job yuh want!!!
Allyuh get big. Yuh leave me out? Anyway I by the door, and doh ask me why.
Mr. Claude put a WST team together to contest the election with me.
Make sure and say who running for what.
Aquil: Ah young fellah say is only ah set ah OLE MEN on WHEN STEEL TALKS and yuh know everybody crying for the YOUNG PEOPLE to take over PAN TRINBAGO.
So we get eliminate from having ah slate.
But yuh know what I say: Yuh could put the young, yuh could put the old, yuh could put the intelligent, yuh could put the educated, yuh could put the illiterate -- THE RESULTS WILL BE THE SAME!!!
Yuh have to have a GLOBAL VISION!!! And yuh have to have LOCAL DIPLOMACY and INCLUSION!!! And yuh have to have ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS!!! And yuh have to have PASSIONATE LEADERS who make PAN PROGRESS their HIGHEST PRIORITY!!! And by the time you try to MIX IN some accountability and honesty and transparency -- yuh might be down to ONE CANDIDATE.
Man, ah tired reading about ANDY NARELL and VICTOR PROVOST and JOHNATHAN SCALES -- it eh have no BIG PAN STAR in TRINIDAD who could come NORTH OF THE BORDER and demonstrate the CALYPSO NUANCE on THE PAN with MECCA AUTHENTICITY integrated into GLOBAL FLAVOURS leaving audiences around the world CLAMORING FOR MORE and critics running to their keyboards to proclaim a UNIVERSAL TRINI PAN KING!!!
This is why we need people from the OTHER SIDE OF THE BANK who are NOT BRAINWASHED by THE PARTY!!!
This woman asked the most relevant (germaine) question that I may have ever heard come from a LOCAL ....
"Is PAN TRINBAGO even relevant? Can the PAN TRINBAGO that we know even run the affairs of PAN in this country?"
My answer is: NO!!! and NO!!!
Aquil: Ah thought GREGORY LINDSAY was suppose to be on that show? Yuh run the man out off the camera or what?