Pan Trinbago: No appeal against Exodus ruling

Pan Trin­ba­go re­spond­ed to the pre-ac­tion pro­to­col let­ter yes­ter­day stat­ing that the or­gan­i­sa­tion gave care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion to 13 mat­ters be­fore it ar­rived at its de­ci­sion.

“We had a re­spon­si­bil­i­ty as an ex­ec­u­tive to pro­tect all our bands,” Ram­sey-Moore said.

She said Ex­o­dus pro­vid­ed as ev­i­dence the con­tents of a What­sApp group chat among the large Panora­ma bands, where the ma­jor­i­ty of fi­nal­ists said they were in favour of Ex­o­dus be­ing al­lowed to play Sa­van­nah Grass.

“My un­der­stand­ing is that they were able to pro­duce ev­i­dence of a What­sApp chat group they have among large bands that the ma­jor­i­ty of the large bands in­to the fi­nals have no prob­lems with Ex­o­dus play­ing a new song and so based on that the judge would have giv­en them the op­por­tu­ni­ty to per­form,” she said.

“But the thing about it is that for us as an ex­ec­u­tive it is the reper­cus­sion with re­spect to all oth­er bands that are not spon­sored,” Ram­sey-Moore said.

Ram­sey-Morre said un­spon­sored bands will be at a dis­ad­van­tage fi­nan­cial­ly as they would be un­able to pay for a sec­ond arrange­ment.

She said a medi­um band arrange­ment cost about $60,000.

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  • Have Rights "Trumped" Interest!!!  There will be consequences to come!!!  This is inconsistent with Panorama Competition Rule # 18, period.

  • If it is SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to arrange for a MEDIUM BAND as she says -- how much does it cost to arrange for a LARGE BAND.

    And Junia Regrello said that it costs FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS to bring a LARGE BAND to the FINALS AT PANORAMA.

    So if the 10 FINALISTS skip ONE PANORAMA and take that FIVE MILLION and invest it in some kind of business -- taht could bear some perpetual fruit in the LONG TERM.

  • Point 2 of Pan Trinbago's 13 points for denying Exodus request:

    " The emerging public support as well as public condemnation as indicated on social media at your client's telegraphed intention to change its tune of choice." Where is the support for this contention???

    And you wonder why you lost?

    The executive must be held accountable!
  • She always BRINGS THE POWER to herself. 

    We (PAN TRINBAGO) have the POWER TO APPEAL but WE are choosing NOT TO APPEAL -- as she looks down her nose at the EXODUS DECISION.

    Go ahead and APPEAL NAH, Beverley.

    AINSWORTH was waiting for THAT APPEAL with ah BIG STICK yuh never see coming!!!

    • "POWER", it's a thing with these PAN ppl.

    • Shame on you Ms. your humble pie and be quiet. Why do you think you have to have the last word in everything? This is PanTrinbago, not Beverley executive. If you want the bands to appreciate and respect you, they have to trust you know what you are doing. 2019 decision is done and dusted... move on to 2020 and make your new rules and regulations. You said on TTT this panorama finals would be the best up to your word and redeem yourself. This should have never been a legal decision. You should have been Woman enough to say "There will be a change but not this year in the ruling".

      I predict the final will have controversy but not of your making.

  • Totally nonsense Ms. Beverley.

    If this is such a big issue, you can shut this down at the conclusion of Panorama 2019 with rule changes.

    And by the way, which large band in the 2019 finals is not sponsored? Which band in the 2019 finals is disadvantaged?


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