CNC3 - Rishard Khan

Pan Trin­ba­go pres­i­dent Bev­er­ly Ram­sey-Moore said de­spite all the chal­lenges fac­ing the or­gan­i­sa­tion, she and her team would find a way to make this year’s Panora­ma com­pe­ti­tion and ex­pe­ri­ence a suc­cess.

She ad­mit­ted, how­ev­er, that to do so there would need to be some ma­jor changes.

In an in­ter­view on CNC3 Morn­ing Brew pro­gramme on Wednes­day, Ram­sey-Moore said this year, the or­gan­i­sa­tion was giv­en an al­lo­ca­tion of $20 mil­lion.

That State al­lo­ca­tion is $10 mil­lion less than what the or­gan­i­sa­tion would have re­ceived in the past.

In light of this tough fi­nan­cial sit­u­a­tion, she said, Pan Trin­ba­go would not be charg­ing their usu­al 10 per cent from the bands’ as­sis­tance or ap­pear­ance fees to ease the fi­nan­cial bur­den to the bands.

Ac­knowl­edg­ing the out­stand­ing debts the or­gan­i­sa­tion owed to pan play­ers; she said they were not yet in a po­si­tion to pay them but they would not be for­got­ten.

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  • I agree with you Beverly, need to curb the freeness. Will take some sometime for many to settle down, and understand that money don't grow on trees.
  • In 2017 PAN TRINBAGO received 23.5 MILLION$$$ and in 2018 PAN TRINBAGO received 20.5 MILLION$$$!!!

    In 2019 PAN TRINBAGO getting 20 MILLION$$$ -- so how is that  "$10 mil­lion less than what the or­gan­i­sa­tion would have re­ceived in the past."

    Beverley made all her GRAND PROMISES knowing fully well that the organization was over $40M in debt -- so why she want to blame KEITH DIAZ now.

    She has a staff of over FIFTY people ("MY STAFF" as she likes to say) -- can't they put their heads together and come up with some FORWARD PLANS for PAN instead of looking backwards and BLUFFING some investigation into KEITH DIAZ.

    And BEV, everybody does rate you as a GREAT POLITICIAN -- but I want to give you a little advice.

    DON'T SHOW SIGNS OF WEAKNESS -- which I am sensing in this article. Keep your chin up and go into the PANORAMA promising PIES IN THE SKY. Everybody TEMPERATURE HIGH with the PANORAMA FEVER as they anticipate the GRAND BATTLE with music that already have them enthralled right off the record -- so ride that enthusiasm right into ASH WEDNESDAY. But don't use the  words  "SUCCESS" or "SUCCESSFUL" ... dem  words  belong to DR. DOLLY. How about: Me and  my [very talented]  team  WILL FIND A WAY  to  make  this year’s Panora­ma com­pe­ti­tion and ex­pe­ri­ence a suc­cess THE GREATEST PANORAMA IN THE HISTORY OF PANORAMA!!!

    After CARNIVAL we go sort out GAINS or LOSSES and deal accordingly and spin the story to match the reality. Just make sure that your PRODUCTION TEAM is ready for PRIME PANORAMA TIME!!!

  • "The debt would be left on the books as a debt and they re­main un­cer­tain as to when it would be paid. An in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the pre­vi­ous ex­ec­u­tives’ fail­ure to ho­n­our the pay­ments was al­so launched".

    Finally, Ms President, we are starting hear something that makes your administration look like they have an idea. How do you steal 60 million dollars and no one goes to jail?

    I would recommend that you ask for the passports of the previous gansta executive to be taken away. They are a flight risk.


    •  bugs 

        was waiting to hear the past   group  criticise the present

       we told you so

       like pnm blaming unc and kamla

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