Pan Trinbago, please release the list of financial member bands.
An organization with 10 members in the central executive, 28 members combined in the regional executive, administrative staff in all 5 of the offices, who, altogether, are reported to cost steel bands $300,000.00 (three hundred thousand a month) in salaries and rent, (a bill NCC was paying for the last 3 years), gave a deadline on 6th August for members to make themselves financial. Over one month and a half after this, Pan Trinbago’s executive is now refusing to share the list with its members, claiming that they are not finished putting it together. We can only sum this up to be one of two things, either incompetence or dishonesty. Mrs. Ramsey-Moore, call the election, your time is up.
With an election due in just a few weeks, in the spirit of transparency and fair play, all parties who are interested to offer themselves to serve, the list of financial members must be made available to all. This list is not the president’s and secretary’s personal property. After a few failed attempts by one of our members to get the financial list of delegates from Pan Trinbago’s present executive, I decided to call and ask for it myself. I spoke to a very rude, unaccommodating Denise Hernandez, who was insistent that it was not finished so I could not get it. I then asked for the incomplete list and indicated to her that I would be more than happy to return to get the completed list whenever she was finished. I was also denied that. It is beyond me why an organization with all these resources and nothing to do, cannot even compile a list of less than 300 bands who have or not paid/signed the waiver form on the deadline date. Are we that backward as an organization?
Mrs. Hernandez also told me that she was still waiting on some of the members which was even more confusing. If the deadline date to pay or to sign a waiver form is gone then there should be no additions to the list after the advertised deadline expired. So then, who is she adding to the list. Why after the deadline are bands still being allowed to register? If there is an extension, for transparency, then all bands should have gotten a notice so that we all would be afforded the same chance to register. Why does this executive continue to share information and give special consideration to bands they favor? This is now leading us to believe that the present executive is using underhanded methods such as padding the list. This is a new level of dishonesty.
Pan Moving Forward would not make this about Mrs. Ramsey-Moore. She is our sister in pan and like family, we love her. This is about morals and ideals that should be bigger than us all. Equal opportunity for all bands, fair play and justice for all your members, honesty and transparency at all times and upholding that contract (our constitution) that we all agreed to operate under when we joined the organization. These are the things that constitute good governance. It is just unfortunate that our President and her executive have failed in this.
Instruct your secretary to change her distasteful attitude towards the people she took an oath to serve and share our list. It is our right to have it. Madam president, call the election and avoid the public embarrassment of your illegal attempt to postpone the election. Get a fresh mandate from our members so we can all cordially move forward for the next three years.
Aquil Arrindell
Pan Moving forward president
Boy, you living in TRINIDAD and yuh doh know BEVERLEY. She going and try EVERY TRICK IN THE BOOK to hold on to that $27,500 a month plus PERKS. If she have to rig the votes, she will rig the votes. If she have to declare bands ineligible to vote because they plan to vote for ROBERT HERNANDEZ, she will do that. If she has to make up fraudulent votes to add to her stack, she will do that.
That is the most desperate person to ever sit as PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO in the history of the organization -- and it has had its share of SCAMPS.
You know Aquil, for a while I was starting to think that you were A REAL TRINIDADIAN like me -- but now I have to reconsider because you just might have come on a boat like 90% of the PAN PEOPLE. Anyway, yuh living in TRINIDAD but yuh doh understand this side of the culture that you are dealing with. And you do not even understand how LOW Beverley will go to win that election and how much she is willing to corrupt the system just to stay in power and hold on to that BIG FAT $27,500 a month in this GUAVA SEASON in TRINIDAD when PAN PLAYERS are SCRUNTING and the executive is LIVING HIGH.
There is only ONE SOLUTION to this BEVERLEY PROBLEM ... and PAN MEN have to wake up to that!!!
Not getting anything from the elected officials at Pan Trinbago, so don't ask, THEY ARE AT WAR....
Cecil Hinkson: Like you forget is YOU that put BEVERLEY in office ... and BERTEL GITTENS still 100% behind that woman ... PAN WILL NEVER PROGRESS ... we go dead and leave it just so.