With two  months to go before the election, BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE is facing a lot of dissatisfaction from steelbands across the country -- except TOBAGO, of course. She got problems in the EAST and the SOUTH is luke warm to her. ROBERT HERNANDEZ is starting to win over a lot of steelbands in the NORTH ... but outside of that region he is losing ground.

Aquil Arrindell is traveling far and wide beating the bushes and developing programs to MOVE PAN FORWARD. I don't have a vote count on his efforts but by the end of AUGUST I will have a better picture of how the votes are going to be split. And the SPLIT VOTE is what BEVERLEY is hoping to propel her to another victory because she has some blind loyalists fans who don't care what she accomplishes (or fails to accomplish) as they put PERSONALITY before PAN.

I am still hoping to get called to join a campaign but my phone is not ringing.

Hopefully the DELTA VARIANT does not HIT TRINIDAD in the next two months and give BEVERLEY the opportunity to POSTPONE THE ELECTIONS and sit in office collecting that $27,500 a month while PAN MEN and PAN YARDS face a level of NEGLECT from PAN TRINBAGO never seen before.

I still think there is a possibility that DANE and CARLAN and MENDEZ will join back up with BEVERLEY right before the election and throw ROBERT HERNANDEZ in the BAMBOO PATCH.

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