Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Panorama/Carnival 2017 came and left, in spite of all the shenanigans of different individuals who believe, that this thing through which we find an avenue for our soul expression, is about them. It is not about anyone, and cannot now be defined. All these new intellectuals (new kids on the block) with all the bright ideas of what should or should not be done within the people’s culture, must come to the reality that this is not something that is now happening, and waiting on anyone to be defined. Carnival is an expression of the spirit of a people - We culture, as some would say. When we came, it was, and when we leave, it will be. Intellectuals would swear by it, but the spirit of a people cannot be intellectualized.
The NCC (National Carnival Commission) has lost its moorings as facilitator, and have created a debacle within our Carnival. Why? Because, they choose to show gross disrespect to the Carnival Interest Groups. A lot of people are not seeing that it is not only Pan Trinbago Inc. T.C., but the three main interest groups in the Carnival, that are under serious attack (Afro centric groups). Those who represent the interest of those who make the Carnival, Mas, Calypso/Chutney/Soca and the Steelpan as the foundation, are facing a hostile take over. But the Steelpan fraternity are resisting, as they have done throughout their existence. We in the Steelpan fraternity, have been lobbying for years, for a Cultural Foundation, through which funding could be accessed. One that would be independent of the kind of political influence and victimization that took center stage during this 2017 Carnival celebrations. This present NCC cabal have turned our whole Carnival celebrations into a fiasco. Pan Trinbago Inc T.C., felt the full brunt of a vicious attack by the NCC, and backed by our line minister. This is unparalleled in the history of the Steelpan fraternity. The only thing that kept us afloat then, and is still keeping us now, is the resilience of our pioneers and the spirit of the Orishas. Ase! We Jamming STILL.
The World Governing Body for the Steelpan was castigated and vilified in the worst of manner before the eyes of the world, to stem the tide of progress and advancement that is being embarked upon on the road to self sufficiency. Stop them by any means necessary, even if we have to mash them up, seems to be the latest mantra. We were being starved for funding at every turn in this 2016/2017 season. Panorama, our premier event coming out of the Carnival celebrations, was high-jacked by the NCC, where they decided to take control of our gates receipts and all related revenue streams and boasting of their rights to do same. They believe that we have no rights of our own. We were promised a management fee to manage the actual Panorama show. However, in the national interest, and the Patriots that we are, we came together and managed the most financially successful events in the Carnival, rivaled only by Calypso Fiesta, which was managed by TUCO, under the same humiliating and disrespectful conditions as the Steelpan fraternity. They Jamming STILL.
Pan Trinbago Inc T.C., had to SUFFER the humility of begging the leaders of the NCC cabal, for Photo ID to facilitate its executive, staff and workers entry to our own Panorama shows. We were denied the usual access to the area of land to establish one of our revenue earners, the Northern Greens. After the dance and run around by the NCC, the area was released to the Army to host their event. No discussions were entertained by the NCC on our proposals for funding for Steel bands participation on the roads of the Republic for Carnival 2017. Our offer to the cabal to stage our annual CHAMPS OF STEEL PLUS was also not entertained. A number of tourists and returning nationals, look forward to enjoying the greatest gathering of Carnival champions in a most relaxed atmosphere, and was disappointed, because of the narrow- mindedness of a few misfits. Maybe, this Pan Trinbago presentation makes the NCC Dimanche Gras look like a badly produced better village show. But, Pan Trinbago was denied the opportunity to stage one of our premier Carnival events, CHAMPS OF STEEL PLUS in 2017.
Most decisions taken by the Chairman of the NCC and his cabal was taken without any input by the members of the Carnival Interest Groups, without whom, the board in not duly constituted, and this has proven to be detrimental to the proper production of the Carnival in 2017. It is easy for anyone to say I am sorry, and the buck stop with me, as was announced by NCC Chairman, but that does not take away or compensate for his failure, incompetence and mismanagement of our Carnival product. In some other countries, these people would have been arrested and charged for treason. The much maligned Pan Trinbago Inc. T.C., still attracted the largest paying audience to the Savannah stands to date.
No discussion was entertained on the issue of funding for Steel bands participation on the roads of Trinidad and Tobago for Carnival 2017. Somebody must investigate the many ghost-gangs and ghosts contractors entertained by the NCC cabal. Is the NCC fulfilling its mandate, or does it have a new mandate to mashup we culture? “Rootsman” identified them and their mission before he exited the stage.
Pan Trinbago Inc T.C would like to thank all the Steelband leaders, Pan makers, Arrangers, Pannist, Workers, Parents and Guardians, Sponsors, Judges and all those who came together with well wishers, to guarantee that the National Instrument played a role in the National Festival. In spite of, “We Jamming STILL”.
As we continue the mammoth task of building, clearing and cleaning a tarnished image coming out of this 2016/2017 onslaught, that still have some people that are prone to mischief, and confusion, and cannot find peace within themselves, continuing their crusade of self destructiveness. We continue the struggle to build a strong and economically viable foundation for the future of the Steelpan fraternity. We have come this far, where Cowards flinch and Traitors sneer, we take a pride in our liberty, and we Jamming STILL!
Yours respectfully
Michael L. Joseph
PUBLIC Relations Officer
Pan Trinbago Inc. T.C.
- See original post, additional comments, at:
This man (the protagonist) all over de place. Sir, "great generals" who took down their nemeses, had calculated plans to infiltrate their borders, breach their defenses, and weaken their grip on the minds of the masses that do their bidding, with information, and education, before destroying their dictatorships, and executing or exiling them, eliminating the threat of dissent and subversion.
KD just said on TV6's ME that he would be stepping down in a few months, this PRO gentleman seems to have his sights on the presidency, as the trend of these official propaganda statements would suggest, a communist election campaign.
What is the vision of those who are waiting on the flanks seize the reins of leadership of the steel band organization?
If the protagonists were to successful in their assault, permit me to think aloud momentarily;
1- What would happen to Pan Trinbago's reported $M foreign investments undertaken by the current administration?
2- Is there a plan to complete the headquarters, within budgeted cost, and on schedule this time around?
3- If you inherit a man's property you inherit his debt. How do the tentative successors intend to honor Pan Trinbago's huge financial debt described?
4- How do they intend to capitalize on the $B global steelpan industry that is emerging, to the benefit of the local steel band fraternity?
5- How do they intend to up the game, and capture the support of struggling small steel bands steered by hustlers, whose vote counts when it really matters?
These are just some of the issues to which intelligent, and pragmatic suggestions should already be floating.
I believe that the oligarchy would continue to reign, as those who may possess the ability to effectively take the movement forward, may not necessarily possess the capacity to command the support of the majority of delegates that choose the leadership at biennial conventions.
The best steel band politicians, not the people who are best suited to lead the steel band movement would continue to lead Pan Trinbago, unless those who have come forward in opposition of the current modus operandi objectively address the matters that would be beneficial to all panmen.
Russell,I almost thought you were eavesdropping on some discussions some folks were having.
Great questions that needs studied,researched and pointed responses.
Some of the answers lay in seeking specific resource personnel as partners.
Some lay in much improved communications.
Some lay in seeking compromises.
Some lay in Constitutional reform.
Some lay in Steelband and Steelband personnel/communities development.
If anyone says they have all the answers at the moment,all they saying to you is "We jamming still"
Mr. Alexander: I have never seen you so wired and fired on this forum before!!! You should put up a TOPIC and EXPRESS YOURSELF.
All the posters on this forum really care about is GETTING DEY PANORAMA. And that done!!! So dey done recoil and waiting for 2018 PANORAMA.
So the stage is yours: EXPRESS YOURSELF!!!
Dam Claude,here I was thinking I was expressing myself all de know how to buss ah man bubble.
You wrong about those guys,dey still dealing with Panorama 2017,seeing how they cud have tinkered with the judges and the scoring formula to achieve de results dey go like.
Claude the best place to be in a Panorama is off de stage on the western side.....there is where players congregate after their performances and approach yuh with "how we song?" "way yuh tink bout we performance?" "who yuh tink go win?" and they then start to judge the bands that follow......some want tuh bet on dey band,but dey fraid......because dey know deep down who win,at least most times.
I with you on Silver Stars song,but I knew they couldn't win or place higher..... brilliant music to listen too,but it didn't encourage dancing feet......2017 was destined to be an Ulimate Rejects year.......people longed to sing along with the music,eyes closed and dancing in ecstasy,like dey doh business.
One other thing Claude,all World Governing Bodies constantly develop their core achieve better performances,better equipped support staff,and a larger competitive field,that would produce a desired marketable product....welllll,except one.
"CORE CONSTITUENTS" -- Say no more!!! Yuh done EXPRESS YUHSELF!!!
Mr Joseph,I am happy you went on social media and mentioned the Greens as a revenue earner for PanTrinbago,as I have on a few occasions asked about moneys from this event,and can distinctly remember the President promising to share some of the profit$ among member bands,but that never happened.No figures for the Greens have ever been shared with the general membership nor the amount of moneys paid to the Advisor who manages this event.
While I am it,I should replay for you some of the recent events that transpired,that you seem to have forgotten.
(1) At the AGM 30th October 2016,when the President opened the floor after making his opening statement,I asked for the reading of the Auditor's Report (handed out minutes before) to be deferred to a later date,so that members could properly read and digest the figures presented.As the Executive (yourself included) is quite aware,most Steelbands delegates are not trained to read a financial report in such a short space of time,to meaningfully contribute,comment,or/and ask questions.
Mr PRO you may have also forgotten that the Auditors (in their qualified reports ) have been stating yearly "the organization have not maintained proper records in relation to inventories,we were therefor unable to satisfy ourselves as to the accuracy and completeness of inventory balances." and their concern that PanTrinbago is for all sense and purposes "Insolvent".
You may be unaware that Pantrinbago owes Steelbands moneys for International Music Festival 2013, Internationl Panorama 2015, and Semi- Finals 2016 ($300.00 per player),has debts in the tens of millions of dollars,but pays Executive members Honorarium totaling Million$ of dollars yearly.
You may have also forgotten that a Resolution moved by Michael Marcano (Renegades) called for
(1) ALL monies owed to member bands had to be paid.
(2) Government Panorama 2017 subvention to be $31 Million.
(3) If these conditions were not met,there would be No Panorama
This was put to a vote,and passed almost unanimously (one delegate voted against) the Executive was given a mandate to approach the government with.
As you are very well aware,the Exec choose to ignore the instructions of the AGM and ( considered themselves the dog,and the General Membership the tail) and proceeded to negotiate with the GROTT their own terms.
I hope these few FACTS would jug your memory,if not please feel free to write or call,so we can do an incremental deep reset.
N.B; When Mr Serrette stood to make a contribution at the Oct 30,2016 AGM,the President brought the meeting to a screeching halt.....leaving matters undone,hope this jug you memory further.
I wish we could have conversed on the Pantrinbago website,but you as the PRO should be quite aware (hopefully so) that the site doesn't cater for much of anything.....Well,there is always WST.
In Pan.
Questioning executive members’ credibility (a to z).
a. A total failure regarding the running of 2017 National Panorama.
b. The government’s loss of confidence in Pan Trinbago due to alleged corruption among members of the executive which negatively impacted the government’s decision to entrust state funds to the organization.
c. The thirty million dollar financial hole the organization has to dig itself out of under leadership of this president and all who stay, condone and contribute to the alleged corruption and mismanagement.
d. Due to the numerous lies that have been told to the membership, we now have a mistrustful membership lacking confidence in the executives’ ability to be truthful.
e. Breaking the contract for 2016 National Panorama, which was signed by bandleaders, stating that players would be paid $300.00 for the semifinal round of the 2016 Panorama competition.
f. The president allegedly paid himself an $80,000.00 honorarium.
g. Unaccounted for vehicles (an Audi and an x5). The membership has no knowledge of their whereabouts.
h. The alleged attempt to defraud the government by the president using his residence as the address for his friend to bring in a vehicle (supposedly for Pan Trinbago’s use) with Pan Trinbago’s money. His friend posing as a returning resident to avoided taxes. The same taxes which Pan Trinbago depends on for subvention every Carnival. This makes the President of Pan Trinbago an accomplice to a criminal act against the state of Trinidad and Tobago.
i. Cars that are being rented for officers, although the organization pays an allowance of $5,000.00 and up for traveling per month, according to their elected position.
j. Neglecting their responsibilities toward pan players and the disrespect shown by offering $500.00 to them whilst the bands’ prize monies remain the same.
k. Allegations by an executive member that the president, the president’s advisors and a senior staff member were involved in a ticket racket with scalpers.
l. The secret contract with the financial advisor without authorization from the board.
m. The disrespect shown to the membership when a mandate was given. This was ignored by the executive with the view that the executive is in charge and the membership should just follow. “The tail doesn’t wag the dog” (the membership being the tail). The words of someone who was elected to serve said membership.
n. Broken promises and the inability to pay bands outstanding monies for shows
i.e. (International Panorama) etc.
o. Trips to foreign countries that bore no fruit and lack of reports coming from said trips. This would include the trip to New York where a current executive member is alleged to have swindled Pan Trinbago of money by claiming travel expenses which were already paid for by the financial advisor.
p. Payment of honorariums without their being ratified by the board as to how much and if the organization could afford the expense.
q. The financial advisor allegedly received over 150,000.00 ever quarter (every three months).
r. Alleged faked sickness in the attempt to avoid questions and responsibilities.
s. Locking an elected executive officer out of an executive meeting.
t. The loss of control of the collection of gate proceeds due to alleged corruption among executive officers.
u. Empty grandstand for the semifinals and the ridiculous time the show ended.
v. Their inability to pull off THE GREENS event, which has been one of the only events to create a profit for the organization.
w. The inability to host Champs In Concert as NCC lost confidence in Pan Trinbago because of alleged corruption and mismanagement of 2016 Panorama money. This mismanagement forced NCC to foot the bill for 2016 judges, grounds crew, staff, Junior Panorama etc. All to ensure the 2017 Panorama competition came off.
x. Claims that the ex VP collected a large salary, did nothing and was inefficient as an events manager although the President/CEO of Pan Trinbago allowed this to continue for seven years, renewing his contract every year until he (the VP) resigned. (This shows poor leadership and managerial skills.)
y. Continuous personal attacks on our line minister reaching as far as her education and intelligence.
z. The fact that Pan Trinbago’s press releases are a continuous embarrassment to the organization and angers its membership with every sentence. It has been for quite some time an expression of personal opinion and a gross misrepresentation of how the membership truly feels.
Document of the Concerned Individuals For Pan.
Mr. Lindsay: I am only now reading this post. But I have to respond to your "y" because me and KEITH DIAZ are on the same page on this issue. The very last thing that Dr. Dolly should have been is CULTURE MINISTER. Square peg in a round hole!!!
And ah notice how you are kissing up to the GOVERNMENT in all your interviews. How are you going to move PAN FORWARD with the same old shuffle -- GIMME GIMME mentality?
But you did represent yourself well in your latest interview!!! I do like your PASSION although I have not quite defined your MOTIVES as yet!!! And that is giving you the benefit of the doubt!!!
Financial impropriety and incompetence have become synonymous with the current executive of Pan Trinbago.
Pan Players United Movement and a wide Cross section of Members of Pntrinbago have mobilized to correct these problems, we have taken the title "Concerned Pan Lovers".
As such Concerned Pan Lovers is calling on Pan Trinbago President Keith Diaz and his executive to immediately step down.
Despite the continued disrepect shown to the membership by Pan Trinbago, steel bands from across Trinidad and Tobago participated in this year's Panorama competition. The decision was made following a promise by the current executive that they would vacate office and facilitate for new leadership in the organisation. To date this has not been done and new evidence of corrupt activities within the executive has arisen.
Concerned Pan Lovers met on Tuesday to discuss these latest developments and there was a unanimous decision that the executive must immediately resign. In the upcoming weeks we will be outlining the specific charges against the current Pan Trinbago executive.
We ask the population to stand with us against this type of wrongdoing and mismanagement which eats at the soul of a nation.
Pan music is indeed the heartbeat of our Nation.
Public Relations Officer
Dane Gulston 7582902
I have known Mr Joseph since I was a child and this is not the man I knew. I hope that the real respectable man I knew would come back and stand against the men really responsible for this shameful dilemma our organisation is in. Yes you are doing your job as PRO and every man has his price but is it worth the destruction of our organisation.