There are well over 10,000 PAN PLAYERS in TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO but I wonder if you can find over 100 craftsmen who tune the PANS for these THOUSANDS OF PLAYERS. At the recent ICP there was an open cry for MORE TUNERS and a loud lament on the failure to meet market demands because of the severe shortage of skilled PAN TUNERS. In theory, one can say that PAN TUNERS should be building websites and reaching out to the world, further expanding demand for their products. But in practice, a little research into the pan making and tuning industry in T&T will reveal that any medium to well-done PAN TUNER is facing a SUPPLY PROBLEM and not DEMAND PROBLEM. So does the average PAN TUNER really need a website to drive orders/demand? Some of my locals sources tell me: NO!
The PAN TUNING business is a unique CRAFT/SKILL and a time consuming one; especially when the tuner is committed to a quality product: a fine MUSICAL INSTRUMENT.
By the time a PAN TUNER builds himself a decent reputation, word spreads about his work and referrals start pouring in. Remember, you don't enter a magic chamber and walk out a PAN TUNER. It takes years and years of learning and interacting with thousands of people along the journey. So by the time you emerge you are well known on the immediate circuit where demand is already high. A case of charity beginning at home here. Don't talk about all the EXPATS who are constantly coming home looking for a GOOD PAN.
The time frame to complete orders will have the PAN TUNER working 12 hours a day, seven days a week and still take three months to deliver a quality product, if he makes any hasty attempt to meet current demand.
Expats might propose that website and offer suggestions about mass production with technology and when the local PAN TUNER does not agree (or can't get their PRACTICAL APPLICATION point across) the expats will see them as backward and wanting to remain stagnated. The local Pan Tuner will be seen as inefficient since he cannot deliver speedily and in bulk. But when you get out of the armchair and face the PRACTICAL APPLICATION the picture changes very quickly.
For example, PAN TUNERS in Trinidad travel all over the world tuning pans. (And remember, the PAN TUNER is an independent businessman; much like the PANORAMA ARRANGER.)
Let us say that a PAN TUNER in T&T gets a job in the UK in April. So he assigns work to four different pan making establishments while he is away; because the business had to run whether he is there or not. When he gets back from the UK, one of the PANS is ready for him to tune (he is not the only tuner the establishment works for). So he begins to tune, chrome and retune to deliver. In all it took two and a half months to complete and deliver this ONE PAN.
While in the UK (in April) he collects two more orders (no website) with the delivery dates in September. September, because his every summer is booked with all the PANORAMAS across the globe. Not to mention constant jobs in the nearby islands.
Can you imagine what would happen if this PAN TUNER had a website with orders flowing?
Now, when you use the term "PAN TUNERS" you are painting with a very idealistic BROAD BRUSH. Because a large number of the PAN TUNERS live by the hustle; how many unsuspecting "pan buyers" have lost down payments to this unscrupulous segment. Do you want to include them in your solidification? The straight up, honest, business-minded PAN TUNERS want no part of this dishonest element because this is a very lucrative business where reputation matters across the board. How are you going to separate the sheep from the goat?
We can't run the PAN BUSINESS in Trinidad from FOREIGN.
Blessings Rudy.It was good banter I gone until another time.
PatrickRamdoo, there is a list of local pan tuners online.
Rudy, you drifted off course a bit. The "nice talk" statement has absolutely nothing with you trying to do something to me . You or no one can't. Imperviousness is a great part of my make up. I was referring to people who still try to "nice talk" and mamaguy tuners thinking that they can get through,because they assume that you are not a good business manager. My statement of being in order is that I manage a good ship. You sound like a young chap. Do you live here? Do you know that there are training programs for young people to be tuners at UTT and elsewhere in Trindad? Are you aware that I had guys and still consult with them, whom I have passed on what I can regarding preparation and tuning? I am a senior citizen and whatever I can pass on I do, so I know not of what attitude you speak. I will like Claude to encourage you to keep posting,but would suggest you do some prior research.
Thank you for your humble response. In all honesty, I was quite shocked to have even elicited a response from you in the first place. I am quite honored that you have made your presence known.
Your clarification is noted and appreciated.
To answer your questions, I am relatively young (38) and I have been living in Spain/France/Germany for the past 7 years. Due to the fact that I have three small children here, residing in the Mecca and earnestly embarking upon my desired pan endeavors is not an option for me now as despite my deep love for the pan, I love my children more!
But I have been working on a plan to relocate with my family there so I can really get things heated up and start taking real action on all the things I talk about here. There is only so much I can do from Germany.
I am aware of training programs such as the ones you mentioned to train tuners and I am also aware that you are an elder and definitely my senior.
I would be honored for the privilege of working with you and becoming the humble recipient of any knowledge you would be generous enough to pass onto a youngster such as myself!
It's hypothetical but I'm sure if I go online, I'll find a host of fgn tuners. Allyuh want to know where and when pan going? It ain't goin' nowhere, no time soon. It's a failure because "is we own".
With all due respect, I am aware of the fact that many tuners including yourself are not lacking ego. This is a certainty.
I am not sure I am aware of what you are flippantly accusing me of trying to do to you in regards to "nice talk", but I will say that your attitude is a big part of the problem that the industry is facing. As long as you are ""in order"" and are making your money, all is well!
The industry as a whole is an afterthought. This is my focus, the industry itself. What about 10 years from now, what then, 20 years from now, 100? How does the industry as a whole benefit with tuners who have the attitude that you have?
If you ask me, I just think tuners in general like to maintain an air of secrecy around them because it adds to the mystique of what they do. As good as a tuner as you are, Mr Clarke, in this day and age, we see through the airs and the reality is, the chances you and other tuners with your attitude will develop new clients in emerging markets is diminishing. Many tuners from the Mecca have reputation as being "divas" and most people would rather not deal with all of the ego as they just want their instruments tuned properly. In this day and age, one tuner goes, another comes so everyone even a good tuner is readily replaceable in this market.
But as I consider you an elder, I will just chalk it up to the fact that we come from two different generations and two different schools of thought. Not taking anything away from you but I can agree to disagree with you on this matter.
RUDY!! Claude is D FORUM MASTER!! Every time he chook does cook! lol
On top of your militancy, you have a very good sense of humor!!! How far is Cologne from Berlin?