Panman Dane Gulston calls for Taste of Panorama boycott


SOUR NOTE: Dane Gulston who is calling on fellow panmen to boycott the Taste of Panorama event. FILE PHOTO -

PANNIST Dane Gulston is encouraging his fraternity to boycott the upcoming Taste of Panorama, calling it a mockery.

Speaking with The Newsday on Tuesday evening at Kaiso Blues Café, Wrightson Road, Gulston said the notion of a “safe zone” pan event made no sense and the structure set out to facilitate the event is ill-advised.

Asked if he was calling for a boycott of the event, Gulston said: “I definitely say yes, for more than one reason. The way it is laid out, I personally think because of what is happening right now when it comes to the administrative side, bands should not perform in that competition.”

He added: “I don't feel the bands should perform in anything under the umbrella of Pan Trinbago right now.”

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